Thursday, November 20, 2008

210 looooooong minutes

Twenty-one ten-minute conversations later, and I'm officially a parent-teacher conference professional. Or so I'd like to think. I survived one of the longest days of a teacher's life. Most days are long for teachers, but this one was especially long. And I like to talk, but 210 minutes straight of talking and talking and then some more talking was pretty excruciating.

{Sidenote: B and I are watching Grey's and it's just getting weirder and weirder and weirder. What the heck is going on with Izzy and Denny? Is he alive or what? I'm so confused. Then there's the crazy new interns who like to remove each other's body parts. CREEPY. Just thought I would throw that in.}

The 30 Days of Nothing has gone, well, let's be honest - we're totally ordering pizza tonight. In fact, if Donatos isn't here in about 5 minutes I know a crazy hungry kindergarten teacher who might go postal on an unassuming delivery person. I. AM. STARVING. All that talking has left me famished. Doorbell just rang. Big. Fat. Garlic breadstick. In my mouth. Mmmmmm.

Well, just know that conferences are over and went well. No complaints, some nice compliments, and I can finally sleep easy. I'm throwing a P-p-p-party tomorrow in celebration of the letter P. We will meet the principals, read The Paper Bag Princess and watch the movie, make paper bag costumes, eat popcorn and drink purple kool-aid. Dontcha want to come to school tomorrow?
PS. If that picture doesn't make you happy, then I don't know what will.


  1. I think Beck has your smile (well, except for the fact that you have teeth!!)

    Of course you got compliments! You are an AMAZING teacher!! But don't you just feel like a load has been lifted when conferences are over? WHEW!!! Definitely something to be THANKFUL for!

    SGA Debbie :)

  2. P.S. Got my "Bucket" book this week. LOVE IT! I'm going to use it in January when we make our New Year's resolutions. Let me know if you have any cute ideas I can "steal" (guess that's a little anti-bucket thinking!!). ;)

    SGA Debbie

  3. He is adorable. That just made my day!! I'm sure you are very relieved that conferences are over. Hopefully you only have to do two a year, like us. Have a good weekend!

  4. That little turkey! He is changing so much! He looks so different without that stylish dark hair! He sure is a cutie! I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving with your little one!

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I am also totally weirded out by the Grey's twist this season with Denny. My theory is that Izzy has a brain tumor which is causing her to have halucinations.

  6. Ooh, Anony, you could totally be right! I didn't think of that...


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