Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Three chocolate chip cookies and a Diet Coke later... all it takes to take the edge off of my Wednesday. And the coke was warm and the cookies were made from a bag. But, oh how that combo of chocolate and caffeine can totally settle one's brain. And since the coke was calorie-free, I figure that cancels out at least one of the cookies I ate. Right?

Anywho, I'm coming down off of one of those crazy days where you have 497 things to do, but can only accomplish 14 of them, so you feel a bit scatterbrained, or discombobulated if you rather. (I should probably spell check discombobulated for fear that my spell-checker-of-a-friend, Allison, will call me out again. I wouldn't want to disappoint her ;) If you know me in real life, then you know how I can be a little mental at times. Like hyper-mental. Like talking 99mph, running around like a crazy chick mental. Sometimes I just have to take a deep, cleansing breath and realize that life will go on even if I can't use the fine-tip Sharpie to sign my report cards with. Yes, I'm a bit of a writing utensil connoisseur. Any college roommate of mine will tell you to STAY AWAY FROM HER MARKER COLLECTION. Seriously, I think I almost lost friends due to my stingy obsession with Bics, Pentels, and Crayolas. But that, my dear, is a whole other post.

Moving on...

The Little Bear is snoozling upstairs, so I've got a houseful of chores to attack, not to mention parent-teacher conferences to prepare for. I already spent an hour writing down four things I love about each child so that I could give it to their parents along with a cute pic of them. And we made the most DARLING turkeys today to hang in the hallway, so that their parents can be amazed by their creative genius. And the activity correlated with core content, so I'll just pat myself on the back for that one.

Okay, au revoir. And stay warm. It's ch-ch-chilly out there today!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how your posts make me laugh! You should be some kind of writer on the side..maybe a children's book author...


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