Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The day has come

I have awaited this moment since the day I received the oversized box at my shower in April. And while I may have shed a tear or two over the removal of the pumpkin seat base from the backseat of my car, I did look forward to the day that Baby B would drive in style in this fine crafted piece of child restraint-ery. Yesterday was that day. The day I officially installed the Britax Marathon Cowmooflage Carseat into the backseat. The day my son became the man of the car. No more of that childish, toile print. That is for babies. Now this is a carseat.

Baby B obviously shares in my excitement. Oh, what cow-patterened goodness. Can you imagine how excited I'll be when he can ride a bike?


  1. He's adorable! I take it you guys are feeling better?

  2. Don't you wish we could all ride around in style like that! Becks looks so cute!

  3. I think he likes it!!!! He is getting so big! I can't wait for him and Paise to play. The cabin trip is just around the corner.

    I used Microsoft publisher to create the header. Then my friend Laura told me to go to www.digiscrapdepot.com to get free embellishments. I haven't had to time to mess with it much, but this was quick and easy. Call me if you need my help!

  4. Charlie and B may be carseat twins. This is the one I want for Chars. LOVE IT!!!

  5. He is really so cute and adorable.! I love the pattern of that car seat.


Babble back y'all