Monday, January 19, 2009

What are the odds?

So, I returned yesterday from a relaxing weekend with the girls to a very well taken care of Baby B and a very tired daddy. We all snuggled up together and took a nice afternoon nap that carried into the early evening. I wasn't feeling that great, and I knew that B could use a couple extra hours of sleep.

Baby B woke up feeling a little warm, so after feeding him I took his temperature only to find out that he had a 103 degree fever. Yikes. I would like to play it off that I was calm, cool, and collected, but I so wasn't. As the reading on the thermometer climbed, so did my emotions. With a shaky voice, I called the pediatrician who advised to rotate motrin and tylenol every three hours and bring him in in the morning. I, of course, let her know that I was a first-time (scared) mom so I could explain the tears on my end.

So I made both of us doctor's appointments this morning.

Baby B has double ear infections.

I have strep throat.


I am never leaving my house without my boys again. Or at least not for a long, long time.

I'll be back to regular, picture-laden posts as soon as everyone is feeling well again.


  1. Great post! I love your background, and how you just use the letter B. You got style, hope all heals soon.

  2. What a coincidence, Austin has double ear infections too! I took him to the doctor Thursday.

  3. Feel better Abby! I'll pray for you and Baby B!

  4. Aww Abbs....that stinks! Prayers and hugs from me and Chars!


Babble back y'all