Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Nope. Not today. All about the bullets today.

  • Tomorrow is Earthday. Save a tree! Recycle! Change your bulbs to CFLs! Adopt a highway! Etc!

  • New furniture delivered today. It is in pieces and boxes spanning two rooms. I can't wait until it is assembled and the styrofoam is vaccumed up. It's making me NUTS.

**Update: Furniture assembled. Marriage still intact. Praise God.

  • I'm not a beer drinker. Not in the least. But I really LOVE Mich Ultra lately. What's up with that? I've been a wino since forever, so this is a little shocking.

  • Baby B is into fit-throwing lately. This, too, is making me NUTS. The arch-his-back style of fit-throwing. I guess he's exercising his independence???

  • It's supposed to be 80 degrees this weekend. Can you say S-U-M-M-E-R?!

  • It is my goal of the night to watch The Hills before I go to bed.

  • Did you Pray for Stellan today?

  • We moved Baby B's changing table to the basement storage tonight. I'm going to pretend that this is not signifying that babydom might be winding down.

  • I made barbecue chicken pizza for dinner tonight and B actually ate it. Two whole pieces. Nothing short of amazing. He's a really come a long way from his penchant for burnt chicken (i.e. bland palette). He's had to spice it up and try new things since marrying me.

  • Super tired. Off to bed.


  1. Prayed for Stellan LOTS.

    Love Mich Ultra too--not a HUGE beer drinker myself, but I do love a cold MU! and hey!! Not too many carbs/calories!!!

    Did my Jillian Michaels Day #2- feel like I might die.

    Loved the post today :)

  2. Can't wait to see pics of the green room. The rehab bug has bitten us too. Now, we are looking at new deck furniture, grill, and redoing the kitchen floor! Painting the dining room and girls room this summer! Maybe the bathroom and Austin's room too...who knows!

    Who is hosting the next dinner night...you or Heather?

  3. New furniture!! That's so exciting, you'll have to post pics!! It's going to be 80 here to this weekend... I'm so excited!!

  4. That is so funny that you mentioned Mich Ultra. A few months before I found out I was pregnant I discovered that Mich Ultra was the best beer I had ever had. I usually drink wine as well and stay away from beer. I definetely have to agree it is very tasty.


Babble back y'all