Monday, April 20, 2009

I wish you all could see the green room right now. Or the mint room, rather. I could just stare at it. Sit in it. And look at the walls. Even with junk cluttered on the table, the room just looks at peace. So fresh and clean. I think that the color alone might inspire me to keep it neat in the future. Maybe.
You can kind of see the new color in the pic of Baby B in his madras pants, but it doesn't give you the full effect. Not until it is complete will you be able to understand how much I heart this room.
Supposedly, my husband foresees it's completure (I think I just made that word up) by this coming weekend. Supposedly being the operative word. I need to locate some super inexpensive accessories to liven it up.
I really really really have to give kudos to B as far as all this new rehabbing goes. He's got a good eye for it, and I'm really impressed with the way everything is turning out. I actually might, gulp, like our house a little more than I used to. Or a lot bit more. I don't know.
I think I want to host an open-house type party for The Big One (i.e. Baby B's first birthday). Initially, we were just going to host it here for family only. However, I'm thinking that a June birthday calls for cooking out hotdogs and hamburgers, cornhole, and possibly some adult beverages with family, neighbors, AND friends.
Plus, I need an excuse to actually hold a party that *I* get to plan, orchestrate and basically be the boss of. Kindergarten will be well over by the end of June, so I'm sure my teachery ways will be itching to emerge in some sort of artistic creation (glitter birthday signage, no?).
Happy Monday, y'all. The outdoors are a callin' me and Baby B, so I'm seeing a wagon ride in my near future :)
**Again, blogger isn't letting me put spaces between my paragraphs. ANNOYING!!!!***


  1. Love the new header Abby :) and show us that room!!

  2. I can't wait to see the mint room!! I love any excuse to plan and have parties especially when it's warm out... there is nothing better than a BBQ!

    I love the new header and Baby B looks adorable as usual!

  3. FYI... We will not be friends if I am not invited to baby B's first birthday. I'm already excited about it.


Babble back y'all