Monday, June 22, 2009

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?

More about above picture in uno minuto....

Is anyone else mildly massively repulsed with TANNER right now on The Bachelorette? FOR REAL.

Gag, retch, bleh!
Earth to Jilly, Earth to Jilly: GET RID OF TANNER.

I mean, on public television, people, he is broadcasting his, um, preferance for finely fashioned footsies. Creepy!

All that on top of droppin' trou. BabblingAbby's prediction...bye, bye Tanner Bananer.
* * * * *
And now back to regularly scheduled posting...

Yes, we now loudly and blatantly profess our brand loyalty for all vehicles Volkswagen.
Kathy the Pathy has been replaced. By a pre-minivan. No need to make fun. I know that I've upgraded to an almost-mom car. But it's a pretty sweet mom-like car. Even with its luggage rack capabilities.
And I adooooooore it. And that's pretty much all that matters.

And, I do, in fact, still have a really cute boy child. Who will be ONE in t-minus five days. Eeeeh!

You're myyyyyyy, brown-eyed boy. Do you remember when? We used to sing...sha la la la la la la la la la ti da!


  1. ADORABLE!!! ...and the car is pretty cute too ! :)Congrats!

  2. I love the new car. I can't quite think of myself driving a minivan, but I could drive that car for sure.

    Good luck with the 1st Birthday Party Planning. I can't believe my lil man is half way to his 1st!

  3. Perfect car for you, Abz. It looks so classic, crisp, clean and safe. My only question is where is the baby on board sticker;).


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