Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You said you needed your daily dose of cute?

New stuff at Saving Vases on Etsy...go have a look-see!

And if you came here to have a look-see at my sweet precious, here he is at breakfast this morning devouring a blue plate blueberries and a waffle. Love him.

And a strawberry at lunch...

...which resulted in an outfit change.

Lastly, brushing all the cavity buggies off - one of his favorite activities. Not kidding. Whenever he's angry at me for taking him off of the stairs (yes, he can climb!) or taking something away from him, I can always resort to the old toothbrush. Healthy and entertaining at the same time.

Dr. Blomer, are you proud?


  1. Great new car! Baby B is just tooo cute, I can't believe it's almost his 1st birthday!! He's growing up to fast!

  2. Love the pic of B with the strawberry. A-dorable.


Babble back y'all