Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We gave it our best shot, er, several shots...

B took some pics of Baby B and me yesterday. To no avail. He was not having any of this picture taking business.
At one point, he did make this really cute face though - as if to say: nah nah nah nah nah.

The classic I've tilted my chin back way too far picture. I am notorious for this pose.

A pause for some mulch tasting...

And the session concludes with this. Yup, not having any of this picture taking business.

* * * * *

Summer is going by too doggone fast. I will be saying that for the next eight weeks.

I went up to school today to start working on my room. Lots of rearranging and repositioning. I need to make a list of all the things that need to be done in the next 50 days, but even thinking about all the things that will be on that list makes my brain spin in my skull.

I have so many good ideas. Good ideas that I want to share, but I think they might go unappreciated by my BFFs who are not of the teaching variety. I mean, designing nametags and researching literacy centers doesn't really take heart with everyone. I've considered starting a teaching blog/website before, but with this blog, the new Etsy store, my family, and my job, I just don't know if I'll get around to it. I can barely do laundry, for goodness sake.

Plus, I've attempted some graphic designing in my mediocre Microsoft Paint application and the quality is not bloggable. Sigh.

One day when I'm rich I'll get around to buying and learning Adobe Illustrator or something similar. Or one day when I make enough money in my PayPal account from Etsying I will just purchase a pre-made template from inkOBSESSION. Love her. You must, must, must check out her cute designs.

Anyways, I think I have a grilled cheese calling my name.


  1. Girl, you KNOW I'm all about the teaching ideas, even though I'm not going back next year b/c of Paisley. I've gotta admit I'm a bit sad about not getting to set up/decorate/write in cute fonts/organizing for a new class in August. Good thing about having your ownn store is that school supplies still apply...everyone loves sharpies and good pens, right?

  2. aw I think all of the pictures are soo cute! You look beautiful! OH and of course you little guy is sooooo darn cute!!!!!!!!

  3. We are all about the teaching stuff! Don't hold out on us!!! What fabulous ideas are swimming in that creative head of yours????

    The pics are cute, Austin is doing the same kinds of things. He just had his 18 mth. checkup, all is good. He weighs 26 lbs. and is getting taller :) Hard to believe Beck is almost one year old!

  4. Becks is getting soooo big!!! I can hardly stand it. And he has a very pretty mommy:). I still want to go to the zoo, although I am thinking that we need to wait for a cold front. It is a frying pan out there!


Babble back y'all