While lots of you are Not-Me Mondaying along with MckMama and friends, I decided that a Might-y Monday works better for me. I have tried to format my posts to be not-me-ish, but I can't seem to say things just right and that really bothers me. So, y'all keep not-meing, and I'll just be mighty-ing over at my side of blogworld.
Might-y Monday
I might have eaten a frosted shortbread cookie left over from Baby B's First Birthday Bash for breakfast this morning.
We might have been planning to get a brand-new Little Tykes Cozy Coupe for Baby B for his birthday. My parents might have found one brand new-ish at a yardsale on Saturday. FOR THREE DOLLARS. We might have been very, very excited.

I might have carried armfulls of clothes and random household items and placed them directly in Baby B's bedroom at the top of the stairs yesterday, so that our guests could be illusioned into believing that we keep the lower half of our house clean.
Some guests (cough, KatieandScott, cough) might have wandered up there anyway and politely tried to convince me that it didn't look that bad up there.
They might have been lying.
I might throw in a random pic or two from Baby B's party yesterday in this post.

There still might be a shortage of Diet Coke around these parts, but I might be getting my caffeine fix from Folgers instead.
I might think that Baby B's new shoes from his loverly Aunt Aubs are the cutest thing EVER, though it might be hard to wiggle his fat little piggies into them.
Baby B might try to eat those shoes while they are on his feet.

I might have received a second thank-you note from the car salesman who sold us my new ride two weeks ago. He might be sucking up to get more business, no?
I might have made far too much food for Baby B's First Birthday Bash yesterday, so I might be eating a vegetable tray, black bean and corn salsa, and hotdogs for lunch and dinner for the next three days.
I might be okay with that.
I might go thrifting this afternoon. Or I might do laundry.
I might be more upset over the sudden death of infomercial pitchman Billy Mays than I am over the death of Michael Jackson.
But, I might think that Beat It! and Thriller are far superior to the Shamwow any day.
We might get to see Auntie Allie today before she goes to The Fray concert. I might wish I were going too.

I might have partially defalted primary colored balloon floating sadly next to my front steps.
Baby B might call them Bwoos in his own garbled, babyspeak.
I might have the cutest child ever. He might be ONE now. I might be sad.
I might think that you need to play Might-y Monday too!

If you want to play, simply make a list of things you might-have done. Have a Mighty Good Monday!
Looks like B had a great time at his birthday party. Love the cake, btw!
I migth want to say happy birthday to Baby B!
I might want to agree that his shoes are super cute! Well done Aubs!
I might be jealous that your mom found the cozy coupe for $3- I never find a bargain!
I might think his birthday shirt is adorable!
I can't believe he is one!!!!!!
I love your "might-y" mondays. I will participate as long as I can remember which day is monday;). They all run together sometimes...Looks like y'all had a blast at the party. Becks is getting so grown up and more handsome every day!
I love the might-y mondays! I think I will try to do one next week! :) P.S. Baby B's tennys are SO CUTE! Gotta love the Chuk-Ts! Hope he had a great birthday!
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