Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh Target, how I love thee...

I think we all agree that Target shopping is a conspiracy. It is impossible - I repeat impossible - to leave that store without spending at least $50.

The trip starts out innocent enough: dishwashing liquid, baby wipes, maxi dress. Or maybe you had an hour to kill while you waited for another store to open, as was the case when I ventured to Target this morning.

What made the trip even more, um, dare I say enjoyable? was that I was all. by. myself. I learned quickly that an hour in Target baby-free is basically therapy. How soothing it was to wind my way down every aisle without a military-esque strategy mapped out to avoid potential obstacles (i.e. other shoppers) and maximize the seven and a half minutes I usually have to find eight items before Baby B begins throwing a fit. Or before I'm scanning endcaps for fingerfoods that I can secretly palm to my son without paying for them first. Fellow mommies, you totally know what I'm saying.

So, anyway, another part of Target's conspiracy to make me spend too much money is that little place known as The Dollar Spot. Shoo. That place is laden with GOOD BUYS. Especially for educators who spend waaaaay too much of their own money on classroom goodies. Today's find was aMaZiNg. Tons of Dr. Seuss-related items for ONE DOLLAR. Why they have it out now - though his birthday is in March - is beyond me. Regardless, I stocked up. And called all my educator friends and family to alert them of this deal.

The last tantalizing aspect of Target is the food. A Diet Coke and popcorn for $2???? I. Am. Sold. I'll take twelve just because that is a good darn deal. I could use a drink holder on the cart, but that's only because the popcorn butter on my fingers make a greasy, slippery mess of the coke I'm holding. Just a suggestion.

And, of course the food court and the Dollar Spot are within ten feet of entering the store, so I've usually spent my $50 before I've even made it to the dishwashing liquid, baby wipes, and maxi dresses.

Target is just that good. Or I am just a big ole sucker for a deal...


  1. You are SOOOO not alone .... me and Target are solemates --- Only $50 sister???? I spend that on diapers and TP ... I'm lucky to get out at $100!!!

  2. You are right on!!! I love that darn Target!!!!!!

  3. I guess this is why when my husband asks for my receipts to write down in the checkbook over half are from Target. To which he replies we need to invest stock in the darn place.

  4. I go in that place for ONE THING and come out with a cart full. LOVE IT!

  5. I agree - it is all all out conspiracy. I am just fortunate that we don't have one in Shelbyville. That's all I can say:).

  6. I am with you girl. Love Tar-jay! The only problem is that since Kennedy has been here I haven't been able to make the trip alone for therapy! I took her with me one time and practically ran through the store due to the fact when I stopped wheeling her, she started crying. Shoo... I was heartbroken to have to leave empty handed. haha

  7. Agree to agree with the rest of the BFF's...Target is the BEST! Unfortunately for me I get in trouble there a TON because it's only five minutes from my house. I'm also lucky to spend less than $50 whenever I go in there...it's dangerous!

    Love love LOVE seeing pictures of your precious. He is just too cute for words!

  8. My husband checked our online banking, and came back and asked me why there were three Target transactions in the last three days?!

    I digress.

  9. Haha - I JUST blogged about my guilty pleasure of Target yesterday! And, opps, managed to go to SuperTarger twice yesterday, also!


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