Wednesday, July 8, 2009

While you were napping...

The inspiration for my project is this book.

I am in kindergarten overdrive right now, determined to get the majority of my room ready by the time we leave for Michigan in t-minus 36 hours. I've been in my classroom a lot this week (thanks to my MIL for keeping Baby B!), and working a lot from home too. Especially while sweet precious is napping. This is the prime time to get things done. So, when I'm not doing laundry, I'm doing project after project after project. From the prep of my literacy centers to classroom decor to cutting out laminated papers. It's all getting done.

Today's activity centered around a new classroom management system I am implementing this year. It's called Bucket Fillers. If you'd like to read about it, click here. The gist of it is this, taken directly from the website:

"Bucket fillers" are those who help without being asked, give hugs and compliments, and generally spread their love and good feelings to others. The simple metaphor of a bucket helps even preschoolers understand the importance of consideration and love, particularly towards those who bully.

"Bucket dippers" rob us of happy feelings by refusing to help with a task or by saying or doing cruel things. The challenging problem of "bullying" or "bucket dipping" usually rears its ugly head in the first few weeks of school.

Thus, I want a classroom full of Bucket Fillers this year. So, we will begin our year reading the books and becoming Bucket Fillers rather than Bucket Dippers. No one wants to be a dipper now, do they?

So, anyway, my hallway bulletin board will showcase each of my student's names on buckets and I painted a sign mimicking the book to hang out there also. My kids will also paint/color construction paper buckets that we will adorn the hallway with also. I will tie it into KY Core Content using color or name writing or something. Our compliment/reward system will also center around this ideology.

But, back to today's project...I spent two different nap times today painting. I am very professional about painting, you see. I store my paints in uber cool containers made exclusively by Huggies and use only the best supplies, like plastic stuffing bowls and Kroger plastic dishware for my paint palette. I'm so professional that I don't even put down newspaper or an old shower curtain to paint on. I just plop myself down right in the center of our living room floor.

And this is the final project. Drumroll please....

Ta da! I think it turned out VERY cute. I can't wait to hang it up in the hallway and start bucket filling!


  1. What a great idea! It turned out so cute! You are very talented!

  2. What a fantastic idea! I love it and I just know it will work great in your classroom. I wonder if it will work with 5th graders? I think I may give it a try also!

  3. I love this!! Your project looks great! I love the whole idea of Bucket fillers, too cute!

  4. I love it! We would sooo get along GREAT in real life! You can PAINT girl! Don't you just love to do stuff like that!!

  5. Hey Abby! I found your blog through Kate's, Sugar and Spice. I'm entering my 7th year of teaching kindergarten in SC. It's the best job. I have found the site to be very helpful in planning my year. I heard this teacher at a kindergarten conference. She is wonderful! I love your project and love to hear how excited you are about teaching kindergarten. I'm a little jeoulous your room is ready. I stopped by mine today and it's a mess. They're re-roofing and haven't even cleaned it! YIKES!! Anyway..hope you find the site useful!

  6. We are also bucket filling in my class! I bought both of the books and I'm pretty excited about it! You did a super job painting! BTW Aunt Deb said it was a no go on Dr. Seuss supplies at our target:-( Maybe they'll get some in soon!


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