Thursday, July 9, 2009


Leaving tomorrow at 9am!
No time to post pictures or a lengthy rant about how much stuff a two-foot-tall, twenty-three-pound boy child requires for a week away from home. I'm busy, busy, busy!
I will have you know that I finished every last stitch of laundry that existed in this house. Praise Jesus, Amen.
Bye, bye, BFFs! Have a super great week :)

PS. Congrats to Suz & Randall - Baby Jackson was born tonight via c-section! Suz played piano in my wedding and is a fellow ADPi. Baby B, Cowboy, Connor, and Walker welcome him to the Baby Boys of Pi Girls Club - an exclusive faternity of the cutest men around. Baby K's mom kept us updated all day. Somehow, she managed to have a legacy while the rest of us seem to be creating a multitude of dates for her to choose from for Neighbor Bash in 2028 :)


  1. awww Abs,

    Hope you have a great time! Yes, I know... so many boys... and I love them all! Baby K has a lot of wonderful options... keeping my fingers crossed that she will keep it in the sisterhood!

    pi love,

  2. awww Abs,

    Hope you have a great time! Yes, I know... so many boys... and I love them all! Baby K has a lot of wonderful options... keeping my fingers crossed that she will keep it in the sisterhood!

    pi love,


Babble back y'all