Monday, August 31, 2009

$51.31 - yahoo!

Let me preface this post with this: I CALLED YOU AND LEFT YOU A MSG, SISTER! TAG, YOU'RE IT! Ahem. You know who you are ;)
Brace ourselves. It's a heckuva post. And I feel very blessed that I was able to pull off such a large haul this week on my limited budget. (Sidenote: Though shopping is petty compared to, say, world peace and illnesses, I said a prayer before I set out. I really did. And God, as always, provided. I should do this more often...) I felt really challenged this week to also buy some other household necessities and include them in my budget. Admittedly, I sometimes cheat and won't included baby items or toiletries. However, armed with inspiration from Duet Diva who left this in a comment "...explain how you spend $50 each week on your menu items and your basic home needs (including baby items)," and loads of faith that I would be able to pull it off, and I DID!
Here's some things you need to know:
  • My husband drinks a lot of milk. A LOT. I found two gallons marked down to 59 cents a piece at my local store, so I was able to buy milk at a fraction of what I usually spend AND I used some ECBS towards another gallon that ended up being FREE!
  • I do buy Baby B organic whole milk because I'm freaked out about him growing armpit hair at age seven. I try hard to stay away from anything with added growth hormone (i.e. most milk), additives or preservatives. I'm mostly successful, but not always.
  • Since my husband has been through puberty, he drinks the regular old milk and laughs at me for buying the expensive stuff for our son. Make fun all you want, baby.
  • I will post a meal plan match-up eventually that details what we're eating this week. Sorry for those of you who came to look at pictures of Baby B. Come back soon for those.
  • Of course I already have a pantry and freezer full of other items that we use too. I also have a stockpile (closet-full) of toiletries. Will post more on this some other time.

All in all, I spent $51.31 on everything written about and pictured below.

Trip #1: Target
2 100 Cal Packs @ $4.08 - $.75mfc = $3.33
1 Whole Grain Cheez-Its @ $2.50 - $.75mfc = $1.75
1 Kashi TLC Crackers @ $2.88 - $1mfc = $1.88
1 Kashi TLC Cereal Bars @ $2.88 - $1mfc = $1.88
4 Poptarts @ $6.08 - $2mfc = $4.08 - $1.50tc = $2.58
2 Ronzoni Whole Wheat Pasta @ $1.52 = $1.52
1 Rimmel Mascara @ $2.24 - $2mfc = $.24
2 Bic Pens @ $2.00 - $1mfc = $1.00
Total Before Coupons = $24.18
Total After Coupons (before tax) = $14.18
Total Saved = $10 or 41%

Trip # 2: Walgreens

1 Pkg Huggies Wipes @ $3.29 - $2 store coupon = $1.29 - $1.50 mfc = FREE

(I paid 20 cents in tax though. Coupons never cover tax, btw!)

Trip #3: KMart

1 Pkg Pamper Diapers @ $9.99 - $4mfc = $5.99

(KMart is running SUPER DOUBLE COUPONS - up to $2 - at my store this week, so the $2mfc turned into $4! Yipee!)

Trip #4: Kroger/CVS/Local Store


4 Fruit2Os @ $5.24 - $4mfc = $1.24 (or 31 cents a piece)

2 Reece Cups @ $1.00 - $1mfc = FREE

1 Charmin TP @ $1.88 - $1mfc = $.88

2 Hershey's Syrup @ $3.16 - $1mfc = $2.16 (or $1.08 a piece)

1 Private Selection Organic Milk @ $2.79 = $2.79

2 L'Oreal Vive Shampoo & Conditioner BOGO @ $3.79 - $2mfc = $1.79 (or 89 cents a piece)

2 Pkg Dannon Yogurt @ $3.76 - $2mfc = $1.76 (or 88 cents a piece)

1 Can Chickpeas @ $.99

1.34 lbs Red Potatos @ $1.33

3 apples @ $1.00

2.19 lbs Chiquita Bananas @ $1.05

2 Pkg Ball Park Hotdogs @ $2.00 - $1mfc = $1.00 (or 50 cents a piece)

1 Pkg Tyson Fresh Chicken Cutlets @ $3.99 - $1mfc = $2.99

1 Pkg Tysen Chicken Nuggets @ $3.29 - $1mfc = $2.29

1 Zucchini @ $.51

1 Yellow Squash @ $.58

1 Bag Dole Salad @ $.98

1 Bag Peaches @ $1.48

3 Ears of Corn @ $.51

1 Pkg Baby Carrots @ $.99

1 Quarter Watermelon @ $.94


Total = $54.84

After Coupons/Kroger Plus Card = $27.95

Total Saved = $26.89 or 49%


2 Bouncy Balls @ $.98

1 Gallon Milk @ $2.39

Total = $3.37

Total after $3 ECB = $.37

Local Store

1 lb Jenni-O Ground Turkey @ $3.99 - $3.99mfc = FREE

2 Gallons of milk @ $1.18


Total = $5.17

Total After Coupons = $1.18

Total Saved = $3.99 or 77%


  1. Way to go!! As always.... you amaze me with all the things you do. Love keeping up with you through your blog.

  2. I'm with you on the Organic milk. I think it just tastes better. Great job on the savings!! I just scored 4/4 packs of Gerber juice for .10 each! And a bunch of our local stores brand of toddler meals for .10. They weren't even expiring soon. I think they were clearing their shelves. I'm feeling proud of my find too.

    Have a good one!

  3. Impressive sister. Cant wait to see that meal match-up!

  4. Go girl! I only wish I could save that much. Maybe in time...

  5. Wow! I am blown away and challenged, Abz.

  6. WOW! That is awesome Abby! I am impressed...I am working on our grocery budget and stretching our money as well! Thanks for the tips!!

  7. Girl.. you're awesome!!! I wish I could do this!!

  8. I am sitting in my hospital bed drooling a are a coupon goddess.

  9. Okay girl.. so I may sound totalyl stupid & blonde but I was wondering if you qould give me a crash course lesson in saving money and coupons?? I really want to to start saving money on groceries and clippin coupons I have just never done it before and I really need to now and I just don't know where to start or how to find the deals!!!!!!!!! You can e-mail me if you want..


Babble back y'all