Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What We're Eating on $50

Our menu isn't gourmet by any stretch of the means, but it's healthy for the most part and everyone gets fed! My husband pretty much prefers chicken, chicken, and chicken, and it's still grill-out season, so I take advantage of grilling while I can (though I couldn't man it by myself if my life depended on it). And, we've obviously outgrown the need for baby food since Baby B eats everything that we do.
Working on a Baby B update. Will be up soon!

· Milk, juice, water
· Cereal
· Cereal Bars
· Pop Tarts
· Fruit
· Yogurt
· Waffles

· Milk, juice, water
· Hummus w/carrots, tortillas, or crackers
· Chicken nuggets
· Cereal bars
· Yogurt
· Fruit/veggies
· Annie's Mac-n-cheese
· Turkeydogs
· Left-overs
· Applesauce
· PBJs

· Milk, juice, water
· Crackers
· Yogurt
· Cereal bars
· Cookies
· Fruit/veggies
· 100 Calorie Packs
· Ice Cream
· Pudding

· Milk, juice, water
· Ground turkey burritos w/corn
· BBQ Chicken/Corn on the cob/Mashed potatoes
· Summer vegetables with pasta
· Marinated chicken w/rice and green beans
· Whole Wheat Spaghetti/salad/bread
· French toast/Eggs/fruit

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