Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brace yourselves.

This is far from a Wordless Wednesday. Wordful would be more appropriate.
We're going to take our BFF relationship to the next level here today.

You can totally make fun of me, and I can already hear my husband, sisters, mother, and IRL friends laughing at me. I'm okay with that. I'm putting myself out there and that's that.

Ignore the ums and I really mean hear your voice when I talk about picture your voice. You know what I mean.

I don't know if Enjoy! is the appropriate way to introduce my first ever VLOG, but ENJOY!!!


  1. You are way more couragious than I, I don't think I could do that and not look like a total goober!

    You did a great job on your 1st VLOG!!!

  2. HA!!!! Love it!!!! And sound a tiny bit different than I pictured :) You have an adorable voice!!! Not as Southern as I was thinking, lol!!!! Thanks for Vlogging Abby :) Now if I would just dig out our camera and do one :) I wouldnt have a clue what to say either--I'd probably just alternate saying "yall" and "um" then entire post :) Cute cute!

  3. I know I always say you are so cute, but again...the cuteness. Logan thought you were cute too, which doesn't surprise me. He totally has a weakness for cute blondes. He was trying to talk back to you the whole time. I wish I could vlog THAT! :)

  4. WHo is the ass shaver? Like ass man?

    I applaud your vlog. I hate the way my voice sounds recorded so I can NEVER EVER do a vlog... I don't think!


    yea.. happy wednesday girl.

  5. Too funny! I was literally laughing out loud at my computer! I would never have the nerve to do that!!!

  6. You are too cute! Great first vlog and I love finding out how people sound too because I think I sound sooo weird when I hear my voice recorded!

  7. Loved watching that. I think it should be a requirement for bloggers to do at least one vlog. If only I were tech savvy enough to figure out how...

  8. That was so fun! You do sound different than I imagined!

  9. Girl I loved it!! You did a great job!:)

  10. I loved it! I do love watching vlogs and hearing what people sound like. You do sound a little different then I pictured.

    Loved it! Happy wednesday (well I guess now its thursday...happy thursday!)

  11. I'm laughing out loud. That is too funny! I (also) thought you'd be more southern-sounding, and more high-pitched (if thats the right word) but thanks for doing it!! I also hate hearing my voice, so I'll never do one :)

  12. LOVE it! Totally not how I pictured you sounding in my head.. but still cute! And, I totally say um ALL the time when I'm talking in real life, except when I teach. So someone told me to pretend like I'm teaching all the time, except I talk in a different higher pitched voice and I talk on a first grade level, so people then think I'm stupid and high pitched. Whatever. Awesome first vlog.. maybe I'll do one soon!

  13. I think its so funny that people thought your would sound more they not know you are from NKY? I loved "seeing" you dear friend. You look too stinking cute. I am proud of you for finally Vlogging:)


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