Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Q & A for Babbling A

I've seen lots of Q & A on blogs lately. And since my brain is stretched to come up with material lately, let's do one. Or try to do one. Maybe no one will ask any questions and then I'll just feel like a big bloggy loser, but I'll prepare my pride now.

I'll answer try to answer them on my birthday, which is in - gasp - 8 days. It's kind of scary being in your late twenties. Eh.

So, ask away. Whatchu wanna know????

PS. I am having a lot of trouble with comments lately (i.e. it will say I have 1 comment on my dashboard, but really I have 4; or they won't show up until days after the comment was left). If you've submitted one and haven't seen it post, would you mind emailing me at babblingabby(at)gmail(dot)com? I have noted the problem with blogger, and it's apparently happening to other bloggers too. Thanks!!!


  1. How do you try to find a balance between work and the baby? I'm always looking for new ways to try things!


  2. I was actually going to e-mail you about this eventually, but I bet it's something a lot of moms would love to know. I was just wondering if you had any tips/tricks for extended breastfeeding. I am expecting another little guy in the Spring and I'd love to be able to breastfeed past 1 year. However, I was only able to make it 6 months with my first little one and just wanted to know how you did it!!

  3. How did you and your husband meet? You may have already covered this somewhere, but I'm fairly new :)

  4. I'm always amazed at your coupon clipping! I'd like to know how you organize your coupons. Do you use a notebook? accordian folder? How do you keep track of which ones are going to expire? I'm just looking to get more organized with my coupon habbits. Thanks!

  5. What occupation would you choose if you could not be a super-duper Kindergarten teacher or a SAHM? I was thinking about doing one of these on my blog~I've seen it a lot lately. Merry Christmas!!

  6. I would like to know why you have been so stingy with your make up/ markers in the past:)?

  7. Ok I have 2-
    When do you think Becks will have a little brother or sister?

    What's your favorite thing about being a teacher?

  8. Hey Abby-

    Our little boys are only a month or two apart I believe. Is Becks talking much lately? My little man will be 16 months on Christmas day, and has yet to really find his words. He has about two or three words down, but is yelling the rest of the time. He screams if he's happy, mad, excited, cranky... didn't know if your mommy experience or teacher experience could help out on this issue at all! I keep trying to figure out what he wants and repeating the words over and over again so he'll get the, but it's just not there yet and the screaming is REALLY testing my patience!

    Don't ever give up on your blog... it's one of my favorites to read :)Your stuff is much more interesting then you might think!

  9. how do you make such cute christmas cards ;) looove!!! and the blog layout is pretty fantastic too

  10. What is your favorite college memory (besides dead week in the Pi house)? AND what is your favorite meal to make for your family?

  11. Where are your favorite places to shop for yourself and for lil beckham!!

  12. I mentioned you on my blog. Now my question...team EDWARD :) or jacob??


Babble back y'all