Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekend in Review

The weekend has been a solidly productive weekend, with B finishing up the living room painting project (loooooove our white baseboards and Smoked Oyster paint choice!) and me selecting a thrifty new coffee table that I can't wait to rejuvenate. For only $15, our living room renovation budget barely even noticed. To top it all off, it appears that {knocking on wood} the rest of our furniture has sold! Yay! I'll confirm that when they actually exit my front door and are loaded into the flatbed of their new owners...

That means were are thisclose to starting on the hardwood floors - a gift to ourselves with our tax refund check, which -yes- taxes were also filed this weekend. (!!!!) But I take absolutely zero credit for that, but instead all the glory goes to my amazing 82-year-old, CPA of a Papa who still offers to do our taxes despite his retirement last year. Love. Him.

I think I already mentioned it, but it goes without saying that B will be refinishing our floors, while I cheerlead from my in-laws where we're planning to shack up for the week while the fumes dissipate. While this part is exciting, I am way more excited about DECORATING! It has absolutely consumed my thoughts for the past week when we just up and decided to sell our entire living room furniture set on a whim. Honestly, before last Sunday night, we hadn't even considered it and now I don't know what we're going to be sitting on for the next couple days while we start prepping for the sand-down.

Lastly, one of the highlights of my weekend was unexpectedly meeting darling Miss Lea Liz!!! The first blogger I've ever met in the flesh that wasn't already an IRL friend! I was so excited! She is just as cute and bubbly in person, and little Brody is a doll. Of course we took a picture together, so as soon as she sends it to me, I'll share :)

And, in case you needed proof that my son really does nosh on uncooked spaghetti noodles, here you go:


  1. Yay!! I'm so happy you got the painting finished! Doesn't it feel good? If you have a HomeGoods near you, you must visit it for home decor stuff- it's my favorite!

    I so wish we lived closer so we could hang out IRL- we def must plan a blogger meet up :) I've never met a blogger IRL that I didn't already know.

  2. I posted the picture on my blog but if you want I will e-mail it to you.. just send me your e-mail!! so glad we met, yay :)

    Glad ypu got the painting done and the hardwood floors will looke just fab I am sure!!! I know ya can't wait!

  3. We're gifting ourselves with a new vanity with our refund...If we could just get our arses together and file. Ah ha ha


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