Monday, February 1, 2010

Words the Rhyme with Orange

Oh. My. Word.

If there is one CD that you buy your children, please let the above CD be it. This is, honestly, the best compilation of children's music that I have ever listened to. Being a kindergarten teacher and being the momma of a one-year-old definitely makes me a qualified reviewer, and from the minute Happy to Be Me came on I knew I wasn't going to have any trouble listening to the other 12 tracks on Words that Rhyme with Orange.

We own several CDs full of your run-of-the-mill nursery rhyme songs that basically require eardrum reconstruction after Beckham has requested them to be played on repeat while we're in the car. However, this CD has the exact opposite effect on me. And my husband. We all love it! Beckham affectionately refers to it as funny when we get in the car and I usually don't even have to switch over to CD because it's still in the middle of where we left off from the last time we were in the car. It is a funny CD and the songs are addicting. I have found myself singing along with them long after I've dropped Beckham off at his Nana's, and laughed to myself when I realize that I'm in the car singing about juiceboxes. Alone.

And that brings me to our favorite song. Juicebox. It's basically a song about juiceboxes set to a hip hop beat and it is HI-LARIOUS. I could sing you every word by heart right now, but I will spare you that vlog. As soon as the song before Juicebox ends, Beck is saying Joo-bah from the backseat and bobbing his head awaiting the beat. Our second favorite is Learning My Alphabet, which is a modern take on the ABCs and B has admitted to singing it while walking into his office in front of the woman who works the front desk. I also love Lionmonkeybacondonkey and More, which brings tears to my eyes as he sings about the relationship between a parent and child. I can also sing every word of those songs. As a matter of fact, I can probably sing most lyrics on the entire CD. We've {honestly} listened to it every day since our copy arrived in the mail!

Ross King did a wonderful job on this self-produced album and I promise that you and your children will adore the silly lyrics that truly encompass the way a child experiences his/her world. I highly recommend Words that Rhyme with Orange and hope that you will visit Ross' site, iTunes, or Amazon to get your copy. I promise it is worth it.

Words that Rhyme with Orange, Music CD for children

Age Group This Book/Product is for: 2-12

Put out by: Ross King of Ross King Music

Price: $12.00

Buy Cd and listen to a sample

Purchase at itunes

Purchase at

Ross King Music is independent and “self-produced, which means this product in only available online and not in stores.

{Please note, I am a reviewer for Mama Buzz and was compensated with a copy of this CD for doing this review. However, all of my opinions are factual and I was under no obligation to post positive comments. }


  1. I'm definitely going to check this out! I bet my music-loving little man will LOVE something like this! Thanks for sharing!

  2. We love it at my house too!


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