Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Potting Training?

Or sitting on a potty chair, fully clothed, with your feet in a colander?
The choice should be obvious.


  1. SO CUTE!
    Kind of like what Clark did today. Sitting on a potty chair, fully clothed watching Dinosaur Train! ha!
    He does say pee pee when he sits down, that is a start right??? :)

  2. That might be one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen. He looks like such a little man.

  3. Hillarious!! You'll have to blow this up at his high school graduation party :-)

  4. Adorable pic! My mom bought C a potty and he has peed in it twice! Although I'm not pushing anything because I know he'll probably revert back once BB gets here!

  5. He looks like he's soaking his feet, getting a pedicure! haha. so cute

  6. Soo funny. Can you believe you are potty training? WOW!


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