Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Run Away with Me

As the number of times my tights/leggings go through the wash weekly can attest, I have spent a lot of time in stretchy pants this winter. They're comfortable, versatile, and allow me to wear dresses to work almost every day of the week. I love them. Too much apparently.

I put on a pair of jeans recently, only to find them a leetle bit snug. To the point that I was like, um, not so much and wound up in a pair of black leggings and a sweater dress. I guess lycra/cotton blends and Girl Scout cookies don't really keep you accountable for staying in shape. I couldn't tell you the last time a Thin Mint screamed out Don't eat me! as I pulled a box out of the freezer. They're so sneaky the way they convince you to eat an entire silver sleeve without so much as a second thought. Ahem.

But, whatever. I am not one to sit around dining on Caramel Delites/Somoas in my favorite pair of grey tights loathing my added winter weight. Nope, instead I broke out a long forgotten Christmas present. The one that has been waiting patiently in the basement for the snow to melt and for my motivation to surface. (Thanks, B!)

So, yesterday we ran. Er, I ran and Beck turned around frequently to see what all the huffing and puffing was about. Not that I was having any difficulty catching my breath or anything. I just felt like my lungs were going to explode out of my chest or suddenly come out my mouth at any moment during the seven tenths of a mile that I actually jogged. Others may deem this pathetic, I deem it blog worthy. Because, you know, when I wasn't narrating our trip, discussing the yellow school bus or the big tractor, I was writing this post in my head. Guilty as charged.

* * * * *

And, though I wasn't paid to endorse this product, I do think it's necessary to note how much I love this stroller. It's an InSTEP Safari Jogging Stroller. I heart it. I have used many jogging strollers throughout the years as a nanny, and I can honestly say this is the best running stroller I have ever used. I usually find them difficult to navigate around corners, but this one steers so easily and I can actually run along side it (holding on, of course!) with ease. And, since I'm tall (5'10") the fact that it has an adjustable handle is key to making my run/walk enjoyable and I don't feel like I'm bending over while exercising.

Plus, it has loads of storage (even a Velcro pocket) that's ideal for ensuring that my cell phone, water bottle, a spare paci all stay put during our run. It's roomy and too cute to boot, too (ours is brown and blue with orange piping). It also has a swivel front wheel that can be locked when you're running to ensure stability. Thus, it's perfect for taking to the zoo or park or even the grocery store. Also, it's under $130 and comes with an adapter so that you can put an infant seat on it (BONUS!). I just can't say enough good things about it. If you're in the market, you should check it out :)

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Well, unless I want to wear a pair of Spanx with my bathing suit this summer, I need to get ready for Day 2 of running away from my winter weight! Ha :) Happy Wednesday!


  1. I think jogging 7/10 of a mile is DARN good. I also think you have inspired me to take Logan for a walk tonight. It's GORGEOUS here!

  2. I am 5'10" also and I HATE my jogging stroller. It is too short and I feel like I am doing crunches and running at the same time. This stroller sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day present.

  3. I agree, good for you! Jogging is always something that seems WAY easier and fun in my head than when I actually attempt to do it.

    Also having a front wheel that locks AND swivels is so important! I've used the kind that don't swivel and when using it as a regular stroller is so hard to maneuver! I have learned my lesson that when I buy a jogging stroller one day it will definitely have that option- the one you have looks perfect! Good luck and glad you're enjoying the weather! :)

  4. ANY tenths of a mile jogged is blog-worthy in my book!! I hate running, and wish I didn't. As I drove home from work today (with my windows down), I passed a number of people running and wished I was one of them. Except I'd huff and puff and blow the house down ;) Keep up the good work!

  5. Yeah for you. I started running again and am thinking about maybe, maybe signing up for some type of mini-race.

    What is it about Girl Scout cookies? It must be some type of conspiracy that they sell them at the end of winter where everyones will power is gone.

    Good luck on the next run!

  6. Good for you!! I have to admit I've barely worked out this winter (I'm blaming the snow- I couldn't drive to gym in that weather)!

    I also walked past 2 tables of girl scout cookies this weekend at the grocery store, you have no idea how much will power that took.

  7. Grr... I so wish I would have had some guidance when registering for our jogging stroller 3 years ago! Mine doesn't even have a snack tray! I didn't know what I was looking for back then! Mine is a Baby Trench I think. Anyway, yours is waaayyyy better! I might consider this for the next baby! (although, I guess I'll need a double, huh? ) hmmm...


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