Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekend to Remember

B and I had a great weekend. We were actually "away" on a mini-vacation that involved an overnight stay in a hotel, an expensive dinner, and lots of much-needed marital maintenance. Need I mention it was kid-free? We attended a marriage getaway put on by Family Life called Weekend to Remember from Friday night until Sunday morning.

There were about 700 other couples there, and it was a wonderful time to reconnect and open up the lines of communication between us. Because, as one might assume (and you would be assuming correctly), I am a talker. And, since opposites attract, B is not. So obviously we don't communicate the same way and this conference helped us better understand each other's communication style. Plus, we all know that most men don't like to talk nearly as much as us womenfolk anyway. So it's not just me. Or him. It's how we're wired biologically.

We also talked about fighting fair, becoming better husbands and wives, and, of course, S-E-X. Not gonna lie, I really think that particular session was the highlight of the conference for everyone. There's nothing like listening to a Christian couple who are older than my parents talk about the deed. It helped that they were hilarious and after "the talk" we were encouraged to have a night-long date night ;)

We started at out eating a McCormick and Schmicks seafood restaraunt in downtown Cinci where we spent waaaaay to much money on sushi, cocktails, dinner, and apple pie. Of course, B had to take the obligatory goofball picture.

And then I had to have the hotel clerk snap this one. Ugh, what a bad hair night. And I thought it looked so good when we went out! Hating the bangs.

Ha ha. I made him take this pic!

If you want more information about Weekend to Remember check out the website or feel free to email me with questions. It was so fun, encouraging, and uplifting!


  1. I bet that was such a nice, fun much needed weekend!!!!!

    I think you look great girl!!! The hair, outfit everything :)

  2. It sounds like a great weekend! You and B sound just like me and K- he's quiet, I'm the major talker.
    I think it's so important to do these kinds of things to keep the marriage special and a child-free weekend is always healthy :)

  3. Glad you guys enjoyed it! Weekends away are always fun and much needed!I think you looked great! I totally understand where you're coming from with the bangs problem though-I get so annoyed with mine and they ruin a lot of pictures and of course I usually think I look better than what I actually look like in the pictures haha that's just the way it works..

  4. You two are adorable and I am a little jealous of your weekend!

  5. I just BOOKED this Weekend to Remember for Dave and I in September. Thanks for letting me know about this. You all are adorable! We so need a weekend like this to revamp our marriage!


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