Monday, April 12, 2010

Brief weekend recap.

There was no time for sleeping this weekend. We were busy, busy busy. But, a pile full of pillows + your trusty pair of pliers, are a super combo for relaxing after a long day's work.

As you can see by the safari hat, we were off to the zoo. On of our favorite frequently visited spots.

The spring foilage was absolutely gorgeous. I wish we had a nicer camera and a cooperative kiddo. Posing among posies wasn't an ideal activity when there were gibbons and meerkats to be seen. (And, I do realize he is not posing in front of posies here. It was for alliteration's sake only.)

Beck was absolutely beat afterwards. We were too :)
I hope you are having a gorgeous Monday. I am off to the dentist at 3:15pm (and I HATE the dentist passionately) and am {gulp} bringing Beckham along with me. This will be a treat for both of us. In the most sarcastic way possible.


  1. aww yay for the zoo. We def need to get together and go this summer.

  2. Cute photos! I feel your dental pain...hopefully not literally...I have to get a filling tomorrow. Bah.

  3. I love my dentist dearly but I would much rather see him and his crew at the grocery store than over my head pushing a metal mirror/scraper combo into my mouth. Love the zoo pics. We really do need to meet up - Shubie and I were talking about it last week.

  4. Really, the dentist is not that bad:)

  5. I must confirm...Rachie and I were on the phone the other day and decided a zoo day in Cincy is a MUST! Your thoughts?!? When's your last day of school? We were thinking a weekday...perhaps a Monday afternoon, after the boys' naps? Puh-lease!


Babble back y'all