Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Happies

We were at my parent's house last night and Becks was getting the biggest kick out of running around the corner of this couch, to which we greeted him with mass applause and cheering. Thus, he repeatedly performed over and over and over again. He thought it was hilarious. As did we, the ever-obliging peanut gallery. Anything to see that toothy grin. {Some shots are a bit off, as it was difficult to catch him on the move.}

Also, do you not love his Kelly's Kids leprechaun overalls? Thrift of course - $1. Love it.

Lastly, I am on spring break with an arsenal of ambitious DIY projects to complete over the next 8 days. You know I'll be taking pics to show you the play-by-play. Happy Friday!


Babble back y'all