Sunday, June 6, 2010

Not busy at all.

The weekend. The lovely weekend. I forgot, momentarily, what it was like to be at home. With nothing to do. But sip coffee. With my husband. And watch Becks eat frozen blueberries and yogurt with his hands. And not quickly scrub them clean because we have places to be. We even made it to church early today (by 5 minutes!) and I did not have to sit in the car and beep the horn waiting for my pokey husband to emerge. There was lots of yard working. And grilling. And too many hotdogs consumed to keep track of. And I am oh-so-thankful that last week is over so that I can start my summer. It was a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Love weekends like that! Thats what summer is all about!


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