Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Start of a Glorious Summer


  1. If ya'll are close to Cincy have you ever been to the aquarium? Can't remember if it's on the Kentucky or Cincy side, but it's right on the river and it is soooo nice (at least it was last time I was there maybe 10ish years ago-lol)... I bet your little B would like it!

  2. Sounds like a FUN to-do list =)

    Seeing Eclipse is top of mine...along with hosting an Eclipse party. =)

    goooooo team edward!!!!!!!!!

  3. Love your cute list! Lately I've been finding myself writing at the top of my lists: make list. That way I can at least cross off one thing if the rest of it falls apart! Good luck in accomplishing everything this summer!

  4. I love your list! AND--love your new blog design with the lemon. So cute!! :)

  5. I heart your summer list. And the handwriting on it. Although I must point out...there are AN ODD amount of items on your summer todo list. Here, I'll fix that: #18...arrange a playdate with Becks, Walker & Henry :)

  6. I agree with Shubs!!! And I love the new header:)


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