Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aaaaah, Michigan...

We're back! We've been in Northern Michigan from the past week and as soon as I sift through a mound of laundry and sort the rest of my life out, I'll be write a more substantial post. In the meantime, here's Becks eating a delicious cone of Superman icecream from the corner store, while scoping out the docks at Leland, MI. We had a wonderful time, but there's nothing like home sweet home!

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  1. Sooooo jealous you were in Northern Michigan. I'm from MI and nothing is better than summer days and nights spent on the lakes in Michigan. Especially up north. Can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. Even the back of his little head is adorable!

  3. Becks is so adorable!! So nice to have a vacation, I can't wait for mine!


Babble back y'all