Monday, July 19, 2010

Pure Michigan

I don't really like to reveal the secrets of where we vacation, and not because I don't want you to go all stalkerish on me and follow me up north. It's actually because I love our spot up north and don't want to share it with anyone. It's still largely undiscovered {though much more populated this year due to the rerouting of vacations because of the oil spill}, and I'd like to keep it that way. The quaint little towns, adorable places to dine, the local boutiques and shops all teeming with summer sundresses upon their racks - I just don't want to share. I want to keep it all to my selfish self.
I'm stalling, really. While my 257 pictures upload to the computer. 250 of them including Becks, of course. You'll soon see that the skies are blue and the water bluer - but better than visiting the ocean because the waves are small and the water is salt-free. However, Lake Michigan is a chilly 60 something degrees. Even in the summer heat. Which is really okay. Because the pool water will do just fine fine for swimming and the warm sand on the beach is beyond perfect for sitting in while your two-year-old explores with a pail and plastic shovel.

[Progress...72 of 257 have uploaded. I'm just waiting for the day that my computer hard drive is full. It's going to be soon. I know it.]

Anyway, we had a great time with our little family and our big family too. There was lots to do during the day, enjoying the absolutely gorgeous weather (sans humidity, might I add), hopping from shop to shop in search of souvenirs and inspiration, and dining on cherries all week long. Becks really added to the fun since he finds everything entertaining. Whether it was chasing "Chippy" (a chipmunk we adopted and fed peanut brittle during our stay), swimming wearing only swimmies with daddy, or driving a golf cart, he was lovin' it. Lovin' it all.
I will tell you this, perhaps the only negative, was the serious influx of mosquitoes during our visit. We were covered in itchy spots all week long, and even Off! didn't discourage the pesky bugs. Becks probably took on the worst of it, his little noggin polka dotted in pink. He was constantly saying Skeetos! followed by slapping his hand to his head.

Well, the pictures are a plenty, so I'll probably posting them throughout the week. Likely randomly attached to a non-related post :) Happy Monday!


  1. I have such wonderful memories of vacationing "up north" with my family too! I'm dying to know where you guys go. We mostly hit up Charlevoix and surrounding areas such as Mackinac Island. It really is SO gorgeous up there. Actually my parents and siblings are headed there this week! PS...I'm lovin' Becks' shark swim trunks. Too. Darn. Cute. PS...I'm so missing ATFT and it has been decided that we will resume twitter gossip with the much anticipated "Bachelor Pad." (wow, longest comment EVER.)

  2. I'm so jealous you have a little known vacation spot, we go to the outer banks, NC every year and it used to be so empty and now it's so over crowded and becoming commercialized :(


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