Thursday, August 19, 2010


I'm pretty sure there is going to come a point - soon - when I hit the proverbial wall. You know, the one you run into after your go! go! go! mentality backfires and leaves you a big crying, crumpling, snotty mess of emotions and exhaustion. I can just tell that's the direction I'm heading in and I need to be proactive and chill out before it happens. However, my mind is still go! go! going! so it's difficult to rationalize with a body that's pleading for sleep and relaxation.

It's 9:34pm and I've literally just sat down for the day besides when I was sitting in a very un-ergonomic chair to read Beezus and Romona during read-aloud around 1pm. From leaving the house at 6:45am, to picking up Becks at 4:30pm, to coming home to make dinner, to bathing Becks and reading stories, to straightening up the house, to folding and running loads of laundry, to making a trek to Walmart for necessities (i.e toilet paper) to unloading the dishwasher, to getting everything ready for go-time in the morning, I AM SPENT. Holy cow. My legs are throbbing and my lids are drooping. If I didn't find some serenity in journaling, I wouldn't be blogging right now. But this is an important transitional period in my life and one I want well-documented so that the day B graduates from college I can pump a triumphant fist in the air and say It all was worth it!

I thank God that this has only been a three-day school week. I'm going to need Saturday and Sunday to recover and love on my boys. Because I'm having to take whatever time I can get with the Beckster, he sat on the counter while I made dinner, happy as a clam to be close to his momma and eat dry rice grains. Love his heart.

Tomorrow is B's last day of work at a company he's worked for for the past 5 years. Ironically enough, he will start his new college career 10 years after he initially began his pursuit of a college degree. So proud of him for going back. {Cheers to the next Steve Irwin, B.}

And, for today, that is all she wrote. TGIF.

PS. Maybe I bought 2 more $3.50 tank tops at Walmart tonight... I am clearly an addict.


  1. Whew! I got tired just reading about your busy day!

    I sure hope you have a relaxing weekend :)

  2. Awww.. you need some ME time! and some sleep! I hate it when I'm lacking both.. and I don't even have little ones yet! lol

    P.S. I think I need some of these Walmart tanks!

  3. Just found your blog...adorable! I will be following!

  4. hang in there! i know the feeling, but i'm not there yet as school hasn't started for us. the weekend is almost here! :)

  5. Shew, you need a break girlfriend! Ill come steal your baby for a day and you can go get a massage and a pedicure!! Hope you get some rest this weekend. xo

  6. Kick up your feet sista! You wore me out just reading this!!

    PS... what in the world, may I ask, is B going back to school for? Your Steve Irwin comment peaked my interest!

  7. Don't worry- it gets easier. You get in a rhythm and so will your sweet boy! Working full time and being a mommy is tough- but I loved how you said you will fist pump when he graduates college- its EXACTLY how I feel and motivates me to get my butt up and go each morning! :-)

  8. Way to go girl! Here's to a relaxing weekend with your boys after today!

  9. Wow, I'm exhausted just reading about your day! Hang in there!

  10. Trust me, I hear ya. Some days I literally don't think that I can make it one more step without napping. Or crying.

  11. So glad your weekend is almost here, you definitely need a break!!!

  12. Okay are the tank tops from Walmart the Miley Cyrus brand??

  13. ABBY! I just started reading on The Nester, and I am SO GLAD you've recommended it. Lovin' it.


  14. My mom is a 1st grade teacher and I just called her and told her to read Ramona and Beezus aloud so her kiddos could see the movie when it comes out. IT IS AMAZING! My girlfriends and I cried and laughed and loved every second of it. AND it's at the dollar theater!

  15. Cammy@ClassroomConfessionsFriday, August 20, 2010 4:27:00 PM

    Rest up this weekend love! I am sooo tired too. Being a teacher is hard :/

  16. My feet always hurt so bad the first week of school! Not to mention, I AM EXHAUSTED!

  17. your blog is cute! and i can totally relate. it was our first back to school too. and between 24 5 year olds and an 18 month old....this momma's ready for some sleep! :)

    have a good weekend :)

  18. We've had teacher workdays this week and I've been in the "go go go" mode too! Now it's after midnight and I'm so wound up thinking about next week when the kids come that I'm not even tired! Ahh!

  19. LOL (at 6:12 on a saturday morning BTW) because I read Gina's comment about barely making it without napping/crying...and then read Jill's comment asking "are the tank tops Miley Cyrus?" For some reason reading these sequentially made me laugh out loud. Did I mention I'm reading your blog BEFORE 7 am on a ahem-SATURDAY?!? Do I get gold member follower status for that?!!?

  20. Oh and PS...AMEN for 3-day school weeks. God does love teachers and knows EXACTLY how exhausting the first week can be...kick back, relax, and LOVE ON those boys all. weekend. long. YOU deserve it Abs!

  21. Ok what brand are the shirts? I saw a couple different types of tank tops at Wal Mart, but wasn't sure which ones you're talking about.


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