Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I made it! We made it.

While Becks spent an activity-filled day with his Papa K, I had a reunion of sorts with my former, now-new, class. The day flew by. My legs are tired and my tongue is burnt {from scarfing down a way-too-hot Healthy Choice since my lunch time was all of 9 minutes after I saw my first graders through the lunch line for the first time}. Naturally, I was overplanned, hyper-caffeneited (2 cups of coffee + 2 Diet Cokes), and apparently I talked too much because my throat is getting that scratchy feeling.

{Sidenote: Despite having my tonsils out when I was 19, which, by the way was the most horrendous experience of my life - ranking only second in pain to childbirth - I will undoubtedly contract strep throat sometime during the first two months of school. It has something to do with a new batch of germies every year - probably from tying shoes, holding hands, and merely being within 100 yards of the building.}

So, the first day is over and I am exhausted. I missed my former assistant desperately and may have visited my old kindergarten team and gave them all hugs before the day began. I may have fought back a tear or two also.

But tomorrow is Day Two and the countdown is on: 179 days of school until Summer Vacation :)


  1. I'm glad both you and Becks had a good day :) Love the countdown you have going already!

  2. Yay! You did!! Congrats on making it through your first day of first grade :)

  3. So glad your first day went well. Love your countdown!

  4. Oh, I forgot about the back to school germs! EWWW! Already an end of year countdown. Too funny! My FB status tonight is "I miss summer!" Glad to know I'm not the only one.

  5. I love that you already started your countdown :)

  6. I love your count down already. I will be making one as well, but for now I still have 2+ weeks of summer left.

  7. When I taught first grade, I always, ALWAYS got strep. Literally 3 times my first year. I'd be mixing a lil airborne in that diet coke if I were you. =)

  8. Back to school germs get me every year too. I try and bulk up on the vitamin c to combat it.

  9. Aw! Well you made it through the first day ~ it can only get easier from here on out, right? And keep the air born or emergency near, to try to avoid strep! I swear it works!

  10. Glad you survived the first day back! I totally lost my voice at the beginning of the school year last year, and almost lost it again after Winter Break. It's because I'm either talking or reading at school. The good news is that when I lost my voice, the kids had to literally be silent so they could hear me whisper my way through a read-aloud :)


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