Friday, August 27, 2010

This is a boring post. Really.

I am starving. So, despite the fact that Jimmy John's is on it's way (thank goodness), I am having a graham cracker pre-dinner snack. {I totally love Jimmy John's, btw. And I'm having The Vegetarian, if you must know.} Teaching first graders pretty much makes me ravenous. They deplete you of your energy real fast, and I'm learning quickly that you can't survive on a mug of coffee and 2 Diet Cokes alone when you're at school from 6:45am-4:30pm. Not happening.

Anyway, it's going to be a great weekend. My boys are picking up dinner after they hit up The Depot (i.e. Home Depot), and tonight I might drink a glass of wine and convince B to watch The Time Traveller's Wife with me since we've had it from Netflix since July-ish(???). I might also bargain for a backrub. If he makes me choose (he will), I'm going with backrub. And wine.

Furthermore, I get to have a leisurely morning with my boys, grocery shop (there is NO food in this house), and get to host a bridal shower for one of my favorite couples tomorrow. I'm might throw some grad school homework in there too. Maybe. Studiousness isn't high on my priority list right now.

I can't wait to try out the MANY MANY MANY recipes you all sent my way! Amazing and much appreciated! Thank you!

And, lastly, as if I wasn't having a hard enough time transitioning into the whole working mom role, Becks had to tug at my heart strings when I called him at lunch today...

"I want to go home, Mommy," his little 2-year-old voice said.
I cried a little bit on my end. I miss him :(


  1. Not boring, sister! but now craving JJ for dinner. Fail, on my pregnant part.

    Enjoy your wknd with your boys :)

  2. Jimmy John's sounds amazing right about now! We're getting one in our town really soon and I can't wait :)

    Okay and what little Becks said brought tears to my eyes!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your boys :)

  3. LOVE some JJ!!! Ham and cheese though.

    I also teach and have been "lurking" since your teacher week-first comment! :D

    Do you mind if I ask how you do the cute writing on your photos?? I am assuming iPhone-can you let me know what app or whatever you got to do that?? I am dying for something like that!


  4. How funny-we love the jj veggie one too!
    My hubby goes there so often, they gave him a shirt...and he wears it proudly!

    Your phone call makes me tear up! Oh no-that is just heartbreaking for both of you...

  5. I love your white linens and furniture and the dark floors!! Looks awesome!

  6. Tell me you eat at work. I am CONSTANTLY grazing any chance I get..even before I was preggo!


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