Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up (or what I can remember at least!)

This weekend flew by. I don't even remember what we did on Friday night besides order Jimmy John's. My mind is a mess. It could be because I read 47 pages of text dedicated to multicultural education and gender studies today {because that is a thrilling way to end a weekend...}.
But anyway, last night I travelled to the Lex to play hostess and raise a glass to this fine couple:
This is Allison & Ryan. The newlyweds-to-be who will tie the knot in a little less than 5 weeks. I am Allie's matron-of-honor, and hosted a stock-the-bar party with Meredith and Katie (pictured below). Allison, you look like quite the bridal angel in this pic with that light hitting your hair just so ;)

{Geez Louise, do I look tired in that pic above or what?!}

So, this coming week is looking like a carbon copy of this past week, crammed with a whole lotta school-related fare. Oh boy. At least I get to look forward to a three day weekend!

More tomorrow. Have a great Monday!


  1. Cute pictures! The weekend just flew by for me too :) Have a wonderful week!

  2. you looks so pretty in your supposedly "tired" picture. and you and Allison look so similar, too! :)

  3. Love the necklace! Looks like a great time!

  4. Like Ashley, I too was thinking you guys look a little could pass for sisters. And if that is how you look when could put a girl to shame when you're refreshed. You look great. Me on the other hand, I'm tired today, and IT SHOWS!

  5. Thanks again for throwing me such a fabulous fabulous shower :)

    I agree with Ashley...we still look alike and still got "it"!

    Hope you have a great week, LOVE YOU!


  6. You two look a lot alike. You and your friends are all so pretty!

  7. I have to ask-what is a stock the bar party? I've never heard of it but I think I would like it....

  8. Wow... I can't believe how much you and Allison look alike. Y'all could be sisters.


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