Thursday, September 16, 2010


I've had a difficult time relaxing lately, as I try to precariously balance the many hats that I'm wearing these days. When I should be doing one thing, I'm inevitably thinking about another and wondering if I shouldn't be doing that instead. Since school started, I haven't once felt like I've had it all together. I've been staying up way too late and relying on too much caffeine (even for me!) to give me the proper accelerant to make it through the day.

And I'm having a hard time accepting my new role. I love teaching, I do. A lot. But, I really really really really really really really miss being home with Beckham. Plus about a billion more reallys. According to my bundle straws at school, we're only 21 days in, which really isn't a whole lot of transition time. Maybe in a month I'll feel more confident in our situation. If it wasn't for health insurance, I could see me going back to part-time, but for now that's not an option.

My mom sent me a card recently and in it there was a quote that said this:

All the flowers of tomorrow are the seeds of yesterday.
And that is the perspective that I need to adopt because I ultimately do want to be a stay-at-home mom. Thus, me working full time while B pursues his degree will hopefully pay in dividends in the future.

And now for the pictures, that do a darn good job of disguising the stress :)

Have a great Thursday! TGIF tomorrow!


  1. I just love that first picture of y'all :) Hope you've had a great day!

  2. Oh I sooo feel for you :( I can imagine it must be so hard, but remember you're leaving him with the person you probably trust most in this world! Keep your head up and enjoy the time that you do have!

    By the way... the blog has been amazing since you've been so busy. Keep it up :)

  3. Totally agree with the comment above about your blog being amazing! I can't BELIEVE you find the time to blog so often with all that you have going on! And yes....TGIF tomorrow FOR SURE. And TGIS in two days because I get to sleep in! Hang in there!

  4. I am in the same boat with ya sister. Short term sacrifice for LONG TERM gain!!! That is motto I have en-grained into my head! Praying for you! :)

  5. I so feel you! (Teaching and being with your little man!) I'm dealin with that daily! Lovin the pictures!!

  6. I LOVE this post!! I am working, going to school at night and TRYING to be a wife/mommy. I felt as if I sat down and wrote this post!! I am about to student teach in Jan. and my mind is going in A MILLION different places, self doubt is wearing me OUT right now. Keep your head high - we GOT this!!

  7. Abby, that is a fabulous perspective to take on. I am sure that all your hard work {and heartache} will pay off!


  8. Love the pictures! Good to see the joy!

  9. Love this post Abby! We do not plan on having kids for a couple of more years, but this is one of the things I obsess to do it all. It seems like you are doing a fabulous job - and even finding time to blog! You, sister, deserve a big pat on the back!

  10. I can totally relate. Coming off of summer has been really tough. Spending all day with my little to spending it with 24 other kiddos isn't the same. My husband is also in school a few evenings so we've just really come to treasure every minute together.

    i know you can do it. Just remind yourself why you're doing and what the outcome can be. That or sometimes we plan a random day off every couple of months and just all veg together. :)

  11. I can't stop laughing at the 4th picture! Adorable!

  12. From one teacher to another, the best bit of advice I can offer is prevent yourself from taking work home, it's the best things to do. Keep going and you'll soon find yourself in a rhythm- remain positive and remember 'you' time- don't be a hero because you already are XX

  13. I think it's always hard going back to work after spending time with our kids in the summer. I've seen some of your school posts, looks like you're being an awesome mama! I'm your newest follower by the way :)


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