Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend Adventures

A weekend at home! YAY! I so needed a weekend where I got to wake up in my own bed surrounded by the people I love most (literally, Becks was up at 5am and was in brought to bed with us). Besides attend the couple's shower for one of my favs, we spent an uneventful weekend doing nothing extraordinary. There was coffee and yard-saling and donuts and the Sunday morning paper and dinner with B's family and, well, I was really okay with being very boring. I can totally appreciate a slower pace in life for once.
But, back to the shower...
This is Katie and Ian. They are getting married in October.

I am also one of Katie's bridesmaids, and get to wear a stunning one-shouldered number for her Big Day. Katie was one of my college sorority sisters/roommates at UK, and is pretty much hilarious. One of the best story-tellers I have ever met. She makes you laugh the entire time you talk to her. I could listen to her tell about how her future-husband retrieved a broken bike from a garbage can to come a courtin' her down Euclid in Lexington, over and over again. I am laughing just thinking about it!

Anyway, she's getting married in October, and we had a great evening showering them in Mt. Adams. Looking forward to the wedding - mostly just meeting her Persian family, though ;)

The Bridesmaids :)

It's going to be a busy week around these parts (what's new?!), and I hope y'all have a good one!


  1. you look so pretty! can't wait to see pictures from the wedding! :)

  2. i love your hair color :) it looks fab!

  3. What gorgeous girls you are! Glad you got to relax this weekend! And thanks so much for the Bengals support, it was a very exciting game for us!!

  4. Boring weekends are great although yours doesn't sound boring at all. Can't wait to see those bridesmaids dresses!

  5. What a cute couple :) Glad y'all had a fun weekend!


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