Wednesday, November 10, 2010

CMA Stream of Consciousness

1.  Let's admit that we all kind of want to be Carrie Underwood sometimes.  Mainly for the hair.  And body.  And voice.  And looks.  And wardrobe.

2.  Gwyneth Paltrow would be a good alternative though.

3.  How fast do they have to change Carrie backstage?  I mean, 13 seconds? Maybe?  I would be concerned something was not zipped or strapped or that something was hanging out.  Not that I have much to hang out.  But if I did.

4.  Brad and Carrie are pretty much awesome hosts.  I love all the corny jokes.  And I get embarrassed when no one laughs at them.  Or it's a stifled, awkward laugh.  I'm an awful joke teller, so I can totally relate.

5.  Can't help it y'all.  I don't care if she's not the best live performer ever, but I HEART TAYLOR SWIFT.

6.  The Brad Paisley/Lady Gaga montage = Phenomenal.  I laughed.  Out Loud.  LOL.

7.  LeAnn Rimes, I don't feel sorry for you. 

8.  I could sing Need You Now by Lady Antebellum over and over again.  Alone.  At the top of my lungs.  In my car.  I feel similarly about Dear John. My night will be made if Taylor sings it.  And even more so if they flash hateful images of John Mayer in the background.

9.  Again, could Carrie be any more beautiful?

10.  Could Rascal Flatts look any less country?  Great band, but very urban, *sparkly* cowboy.

11.  I always wonder, while watching live performances on TV, if the singers have some sort of secret move that they do to indicate if they can't hear themselves, their mic goes out, or they feel like they're going to pass out.  Like, did he just hold his shirt for a reason? Was he trying to tell someone offstage something?

12.  Hmmmmm, Kelly Pickler.  Not sure what I think of that dress.  Just sayin'.

13.  The beauty of attending the Country Music Awards is that you can wear a plaid, flannel shirt and overalls and really feel quite confident you pulled off the look.

14.  I don't usually believe artists when they immediately thank God at the music awards.  But, when I watch the CMAs, I believe them.  I think that's stereotyping.

15.  I want to know who looks at their tiny , unnamed, newborn baby girl and thinks, You know what?  That, right there, is a Reba. 

16.  How cute is that Boys of Fall song?  Takes me back to my high school days. 

17.  Omiword, how is it only 8:58pm?  Daylight savings time is killing me. 

18.  I'm missing my weekly dose of Brick Brick. 

19.   Carrie's outfit changes so far = 5. 

20.  With country music on my brain, how many of you danced around to Shania's Any of Mine?  I'm pretty sure I made up dance moves to  shimmy, shake, shimmy shake, make the earth quake kick, turn, stomp, stomp, then you jump heel to toe, do si do.  Probably holding a hairbrush in front of my mirror in my bedroom. 
21.  My girl's on!  I'm pullin' for her.  Come on, Taylor!  Well, she didnt' sing Dear John.  Boo :(

22.  This is so random.  But it's a stream of consciousness, so it's my rules.  Has anyone seen the episode about the "Woo Girls" on How I Met Your Mother?  Hilarious.  My friends from college and I definitely did our fair share of woooooing.  We still do it.

23.  Sugarland is darling.  But that doesn't explain the freestanding tutu.

24.  I think I need to listen to more country music.  There are some cute songs out there that I have never heard before!

25.  Ending it here.  {Prediction: I'm sure Carrie will have another 12 outfit changes and continue to be beautiful.  Just a guess.}

Happy Wednesday :)

* Feel free to add on to my list - Miss Chelsea's comment made me die laughing!  Go read it!*


  1. I'm with you girl. I am a Taylor lover.

  2. OMG, this was a great post!!! Yeah, Leann Rimes...ugh!!! Taylor Swift is wonderful!! And Carrie, LOVE her and would die to look like her. She's smokin'!!!!!

  3. 26. I wonder what Keith Urban would look like without the Hollister haircut?

    27. LeeAnn Rimes should be in the stageshow, Cats... google her. She just needs whiskers. She looks just like a feline. Take that however you wish

  4. I don't think I could dislike LeeAnn Rimes any more if I tried...blah.

    I too, am totally missing my weekly fix of Brick & The Middle.

    Your recap is hysterical! Love the Shania comment...that was totally me too!

  5. Agreed with 7, too bad they didn't add her to the "Tiger Tale" song from the beginning!!

    And I so totally am a woo girl, but I'm in college and that's what we do ;).

    Haha and Jeff Gordon!

    Love your stream of consciousness!

  6. #15? My thoughts exactly! :-) It wins the LOL award for sure!

  7. Such a cute post, it isn't on here for another hour and a half but now I can't wait to watch.

    I'm also team Taylor!!!

  8. Oh, Abby, tell me you were not a woo girl! It's okay if you were, I still love you. :]

    Carrie is sooo beautiful, and I really don't like country, but the one song I do like is the one she sings about wrecking a dude's car?

    Fun post!

  9. thoughts exactly! Love me some country music! I always feel inspired after the CMAs and wonder why God didn't bless me with a singing voice when I have such a heart for it...I guess a question for the pearly gates...

  10. We're watching simply for Carrie. My husband has a major crush on her. I'm okay with it. And we've already decided our 14-month old is going to be a woo girl. Lord, help us.
    Love this post...too funny!

  11. May post a picture of Carrie in her opening outfit (aka hot leather peddle pushers) on my fridge and say to myself daily...

    "Lindsey-close the fridge. Don't you want THOSE LEGS???"

    She. Is. Stunning.

    (ps Abs-I channeled your bravery and went a bit darker at my hair appointment last week and was feeling really good about my decision-that is until my hair envy of Carrie creeped back tonight. Jealous of her bright, shiny, luscious locks!)

    And ahem-one last thing...Your list ended on an odd number. My suggestion to rectify this...make a number 26 for your list with all of our geeky bloggy buddies additions to your list :) Hehe.

  12. This is awesome! So many of my same thoughts.

    Regarding Kellie Pickler....usually LOVE her and think she's adorable. I was not digging her last night.

    I have a newfound love for Miranda and Blake after last night too.

  13. I'm with you on #18. My fave show this fall. :)

  14. Please continue to do award show bullet points as you watch, because this is one of the funniest things I've ever read.

    p.s. Fill me in on this Bloggie meet-up, b/c I'm SO in.

  15. I sooooo want to be Carrie Underwood....I mean her legs are amazing and her dresses are to die helps that she has a great hair stylist and wardrobe person!

    Loved the CMAs last night

  16. Hey. I'm new to your blog and I loved this post! I have to say though, I'm not a Carrie or a Taylor fan. But, I do like Carrie and Brad hosting.

    On the other hand, I totally agree with #7...yuck!

    I love Miranda Lambert. Her and Blake are my favs!! And Jason Aldean...can we say HOTTT :)

    Did you see Brick sing the Ring of Fire? Funny!

  17. Once again, I am reading your blog laughing. It happens every time...

  18. 1. And Carrie's flawless skin. Let's not forget about being jealous of that too.
    2. Agreed about Rascall Flatts not being able to look less country. But, I think the Zach Brown Band may have them beat.

  19. hahaha awesome! I didn't watch so I appreciat the recap. Wooooo!!!

  20. We just saw Sugarland in concert a month ago and they are incredible! Did you like Reba singing "If I were a boy"? I thought she rocked that song!

  21. I missed Brick Wednesday night too! I'll have to catch back up this week :)


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