Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog Fodder, er, Fudder?

Our little Elmer Fudd...
Tonight, Beck and I were snuggling in my bed and I was doing a really scratchy rendition of  Dear John John Deer when he informed me - so sweetly - that he was "touching his boogers."  Lovely.  He also likes to say "You hear that, mommy?!" with such incredulity that it's believable that it comes as a surprise to him every time he hears himself pass gas.  This further confirms that boys delight in the disgusting and that I am completely unprepared to handle a male pre-teen someday.


  1. Is it sad that I am totally prepared to handle a male pre-teen in that sense? I already have their sense of humor.

    and Gabe was gonna be elmer fudd for halloween but it got scratched in favor of mr peanut. Those hats...I die.

  2. Oh boys. Gotta love them. I survived two brothers though so I'm a expert in grossness.

  3. super cute pic! He is ALL BOY! :-)

    oh, and no friday post?? Unacceptable. ;-)

  4. Super cute! He is just so handsome! You also should be prepared for teen girls calling your house all the time!


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