Monday, November 15, 2010


I wish you all could see my desk right now.  It is an absolute wreck.  It all but killed me to leave it in such disarray today, but I just didn't have the energy to sort through the stacks of papers or staple report card data together after spending 16 hours in my classroom in the past 36 hours.  Thanks be to parent-teacher conferences.  Anyway, that's niether here nor there (though does account for my blogging absence over the weekend).

And now because I've been thinking mostly in list-form all day (as in, how many more things do I have to accomplish before Thanksgiving break?), here's a quick snapshot of our weekend...

1.  Dr. B and I ventured to the Holiday Market in Cinci on Saturday and - stop the world - we totally had a glass of wine while we walked around.  How fun is that?!  I bet I told Katie 200x how pumped I was to be there!  It doesn't get much better than Christmas shopping, time with one of your bests, and a glass of pinot.  Love. It.
 2.  I bought some fun things at the market.  One of my best buys was from one of my FAVORITE vendors out of northern Michigan - dark chocolate covered dried cherries.  YUM.  I tried to justify my buy by telling myself I was purchasing them to give as Christmas gifts.  Negative.  I'm eating them right now.
3.  We had a fabulous time at B's parents' house.  Becks found this "spooky hat" (as he calls it) in the basement and wore it for all of dinner.  Two-year-olds are kind of awesome like that.

4.  I battled my brother-in-law, P, in Just Dance.  OMIWORD.  I LOVE this game!!!!!  How nerdy to do I look?!  Let me just tell you, it is a work out.  I was sweating and out of breath after I battled P and B in back-to-back dance-offs.  Incredibly {I'm pretty sure the controller was broke}, they both beat me!  Ha!  I am too long and gangly to do anything that requires more coordination than snapping/clapping and swaying at the same time.

B and P are doing a duo to Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend.  I'll spare you the video I recorded, but - trust me - it was hilarious.
5.  The "spooky hat" resurfaced today.  And I bought Becks the cutest little knock-off Uggs from Cosco!  He adores them.  So do I.  Couldn't you just eat him up?
I know, this was a really random and poorly written post.  But my mind is twelve kinds of fried and I have to be back at school at the crack-of-dawn for Day 2 of conferences. 

BUT, t-minus 8 days until a FIVE DAY break!  Yay!


  1. I love Becks outfit in the last picture! He is adorable!

  2. I feel you! So busy with confrences I did not even ge to post WIWW last week. Can't wait for the 5 day break!

  3. Right there with you on the countdown to Thanksgiving. So ready for a long-ish break from teaching. Oh and don't you even worry about your desk -- Mine was covered in papers/junk the first week of school and hasn't been cleaned off yet. I'm pretty sure there's a family of dust bunnies living under there. :)

  4. I completely understand your chaos at work. We have conferences this week too and I just couldn't focus enough to be useful. I left and have been checked out for hours. I might just get into bed and sleep by 8ish :)

    And Becks is so freakin cute!! I love a good hat...

  5. you look so cute! and so does that boy!! ;)

  6. Yes...I could definitely just eat Becks up :) He's too cute! Hope you have a great week!

  7. The holiday market sounds amazing and I am totally loving Beck's hat!

  8. break countdown and christmas music are keeping me afloat too! :) hang in there!

  9. Ooh I wanna play Just Dance! Even though I absolutely cannot dance.. the game looks really fun, and if I suck I'll just blame it on the controller too

  10. Luckily, we have a few days off after conferences so I've been able to organize my desk and clean (!) my house! Feels good. :-) Looks like your weekend day in Cinci was grand! I'm on the lookout for some tutorials on making funky yet simple headbands like the black on you're wearing...any suggestions?

  11. Abby, you're so darling and so is your blog!


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