Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Cutest Boy in {My} World

Beckham's First School Picture
2010-2011 School Year
I can't help but just gush over this cute little guy.  He's my favorite.  Love him.

{Parent-teacher conferences have had me swamped all week!  You know I'm busy if I didn't participate in WIWW.  Ha!  Back with more substantial posts soon - once I can think normally and not in terms of stanines and standards...}


  1. OMG--That is adorable!! We have conferences this week too. One more tomorrow morning at 8am then DONE!! WAHOOO!

  2. He is precious! Last year, my baby was in pre-K and I went crazy over his 1st pics!
    So, you have inspired me to shop at goodwill more and I have gone 2 times in 2 weeks and spent $60 each time! AHHHHHHH So exciting! Thanks for your great outfit advice :)

  3. He's too cute!!

    I'm just starting conferences tomorrow. From 4:45 to 7:45...blech!!

  4. Oh my goodness that picture is just TOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!

  5. OH MY GOSH! That is the cutest thing I've seen in awhile. I even had to show my husband!! It almost makes me want to enroll Austin in preschool just so I can have a school picture of him!! :)


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