Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not a whole lot to say...for once!

I have been staring at this screen, trying to come up with words, and nothing is coming.  I guess I wasted all my words during 24 15-minute conferences over the past four days.  Essentially, in addition to the regular amount of talking I do {which is a lot, if you couldn't guess} I did an extra 6 hours of talking this week.

So, my mind is kind of blank when it comes to blogging.  It's taking enough energy to find mindless comedy {The Office} funny, let alone attempt to actually be entertaining in writing. Forgive me. 

Plus, I haven't done hardly anything that has been remoting interesting since Saturday - unless you count a super sweet trip to Walmart wtih Becks, where he was so enthralled with the blow-up Christmas decorations that we walked down the aisle a half-dozen times at his request.  His eyes would grow big every time we'd pass by the hidden CD player crooning Christmas music, as if it played by magic.  And then I let him pick out a $2 penguin ornament {recent obsession}, and let him touch the Christmas tree.  Love him.


{PS.  I haven't had a chance to read many of your blogs lately!  So sorry!  I'll catch up over the weekend!}


  1. What a cutie! I can't wait to get my christmas tree up, that's what I love about christmas- all the gorgeous decs and yummy food!! XXX

  2. I completley understand your lack of words :) I just finished my first half of conferences tonight. Second half is tomorrow. I'm spent already!!

    Your little man is just too freaking cute!

  3. My hubby has to take me down the christmas isle repeatedly and let me buy something festive each time, too. :) I am glad you're conferences are done! I did my 40 over the course of the past three weeks and what a burden! At least it's over! :) Enjoy your long weekend with your little man.

  4. Ugh, parent teacher conferences took FOREVER!!!

  5. He is cute, isn't he? Love that he got excited by the Christmas aisle. He will be a great helper come Christmas! Happy weekend!


Babble back y'all