Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 1: Christmas Traditions

{Christmas Traditions}
Some of my most memorable Christmas traditions originate with my family, and will likely carry over to my new little family this year.  This will be the first year we celebrate Christmas morning at our own home, just the three of us.  We decided last year we wanted to start some of our traditions, so that Becks would have memories like we did when we were young. So, I'll tell you about some of my {goofy} family traditions from growing up...
Christmas Eve service at church with my family, followed by a viewing of Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation.
Writing notes to Santa and leaving cookies for him, along with carrots for Rudolph.  I did this with my sisters even after I was married :)
My dad reading us T'was the Night Before Christmas as my sisters and I read in unison with him.  He found this very annoying and would threaten to stop reading every time we broke away in a fit of giggles as we mocked him.  He then read the story of the first Christmas from the Bible.  Again, this continued well into my marriage. 
My sisters and I all slept in the same bedroom, telling stories way after our parents forbade us to be up.  As long as we promised no to go downstairs this was acceptable.  (Family inside joke: an almost ruined down comforter after a midnight spill.  Bleh!!!)
Before getting married, my sisters and I awoke to "Santa's sleighbells" around 5am as he exited our rooftop.  Our Santa was a very excited kind of Santa who couldn't wait to wake us up on Christmas morning.  I kid you not, at 22-years-old, my heart woke with a flutter when I heard the bells chime, even knowing their source wasn't from the pawing and prancing of Rudolph above.  After Chels and I got married, and as the brood of grandkiddos increased to 3, we still continued this tradition. 
Whoever wakes up first has to alert the other two and then we "wake my parents up."  My dad goes downstairs first and always exlaims Holy Toledo! when he sees the presents under the tree.  We all sit on the stairs while my dad starts the fire and my mom makes coffee, waiting for the okay. 
Here is the customary picture my mom snaps every Christmas morning.  We all look pretty awesome at 5am.

We all sit in the same spot in the living room every year, and request that our presents be scattered underneath the tree instead of grouped in piles.  My dad plays Santa and hands out presents v-e-r-y slowly to make the morning last as long as possible.

It makes me a little sad that these traditions will start to fade for us this year.  However, I do look forward to starting new ones with my boys :)


  1. I love these! And I'm so excited for you to start your own traditions. Can't wait to read all about 'em.

  2. Y'all look great at 5am! For real.

    Cute blog!! Thanks for joining in girl! :)

  3. Awww I just love all those traditions! I know y'all will make some wonderful ones for Becks!

  4. Wow my hair looks amazing in that pic.....I will miss those traditions :( p.s. did you notice I am also sporting red and green fingernails in this pic...purely for sophie's enjoyment of course....

  5. Holy Toledo...I love this! Especially #3 since we loved to annoy parents with this kind of funny business. And the sitting on the stairs picture is classic. Our dad would take forever in giving us the go-ahead by saying witty things like, "go back to bed, Santa didn't leave a thing." It was always REALLY amusing :)

  6. This was great! We totally used to sit on the stairs and wait for our parents to say everything was ready (lights on, cameras ready, cocoa made, and music on)... too cute :)

  7. # 1and #3 could of been written by me!! Lol. We had those exact same traditions at my house growing up :)

  8. Love this - we had a lot of the same traditions in my family. Can't wait to carry them on to my kids!

  9. These are great traditions! Looking forward to hearing about the new ones you create =)

  10. My husband and I have been married for about 4 months and together for almost 6 years. The last two Christmas seasons we've started the tradition of Christmas Pajamas! LOVE IT! And now we get all dressed in them on Christmas Eve and take pictures by the fire!

  11. This all sounds like so much fun!

    I love that you continue all the same fun things you did when you were little!

  12. What fun and special memories! I love them!

  13. How cute Abby! I love traditions and it always so awesome to see that other families carry on traditions as well :) Happy Holidays!!

  14. I love these! Especially the sleigh it! My family also sits on the stairs for everything, coffee, heater, music, to be ready :)

  15. While it will be sad to leave old traditions behind, there is nothing like Christmas morning with just your little family! You will not regret your decision to stay at your house this year. I LOVE the traditions you did have growing up, what a lucky family!

  16. LOve these! What an awesome way to celebrate Christmas!


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