Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Omiword.  I haven't blogged in four days!  Stop. The. World.

I have plenty of excuses, though.  All valid.

Here's why I haven't had a spare second to even so much as get on a computer {no, really, I haven't been online since Monday!}...

We left Wednesday morning for Meeeeechigan, and Becks made it his first car trip without a pacifier since the mice carried away the jee-bahs about three weeks ago .  We listened to "his music" (Taylor Swift) and only had to turn on the Wiggles for the last hour of the trip  He was extremely well-behaved in the car, much to our surprise. 
Don't you love when you tell them to "say cheese!" and this is what you get...

Obvs, we were up north for Thanksgiving.  We delighted in spending time with my extended family, and Becks had a ball with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.  As always, the turkey was yummy, the pumpkin pies were whipped-creamy, and the Detroit Lions lost.  Some things never change.  {And if I have to hear the Ohio State fight song one more time today, I'm going to throw the remote at the TV.  Booooo on OU.} 

I went Black Friday shopping for the first time in my life.  Now, I've shopped the day after Thanksgiving before.  But not at 4:15am.  Now that's shopping on Black Friday.  My aunt and my sister somehow persuaded me into rising waaaay too early yesterday to accompany them to Meijer's so my sister could get an iPod touch.  And if you're up that early, you might as well grab and Eggnog Latte and continue on your merry way to every other store marketing doorbusters on November 26th.  So, I did.  And besides checking off Go Black Friday shopping at 4:15am off of my bucket list, I also scored some deal-icious Christmas loot.

Aubbers and Aunt Ann celebrating her buy...
We visited The Cider Mill in Franklin and Becks had a time throwing crackers to the ducks.  It was a balmy 22 degrees, so the hot donuts were a welcomed treat.  My sister suggested we alternate taking turns sticking out heads inside the donut bag to warm up.  It really was a good thought.

In one of the more exciting events of the past four days, Becks' dream came true and he acquired a set of hand-me-down wooden trains and tracks from my aunt.  Seriously, he loooooooves it.  I had a hard time dragging him away from it so he could take a nap today.  Thanks, Aunt Ann and Uncle Chris!  It was like Christmas come early :)

Well, our holiday weekend isn't over yet.  We have more family to visit with tonight back in our home state.  Happy Saturday, y'all!


  1. Sounds like you all had a great Thanksgiving!! :)

  2. Do you think you will go black Friday shopping again??

  3. I've missed all my bloggy friends for the past few days! The blog world has been so lonely and I haven't had anything to read! So glad you're back & that you had a nice trip :)

  4. Your family has the best genes! You are all so stinkin' cute!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful holiday! I realized earlier today that I haven't posted since last Sunday. Gasp!

    But, it's a busy time of year that I'd rather take the time to enjoy than worry about documenting second by second. Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!

  6. Sounds like y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I remember my brother had one of those wooden train tracks and loved it too!

  7. Fun times. I heard a rumor that Santa was bringing C a wooden train set. I can't wait!

  8. Oh my word - y'all are adorable!!! Seriously! And I love your headband girl! :) Too cute!!

    Glad Turkey Day was nice!

  9. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving! Looks like Becks ate all the fixings?!? Jealous. Reagan wouldnt even touch it! :(


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