Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Jee-Bah: A Tribute

It is with much sadness that I inform my bloggy friends that with little warning and quite a bit of sadness {on our end and his}, the beloved Jee-Bah has gone to pacifier heaven.  As of exactly 32 minutes ago, I put my sweet boy to bed sans his source of comfort and support that his been an extension of his body for the past 2 years 4 months 11 days and 5 and a half hours, respectively.  Yes, I was the mom that had a package of Mams ready to go in the the delivery room and begged our overnight nurse to let me give him one despite his poor nursing ability upon birth.  {FYI: His latch was perfect within 2 weeks and he had a paci the whole time.} 

As I said, the decision to detach the boy from his binky came with little warning.  The plan was to wait until Christmas vacation to extricate the beloved Jee Bah from his being.  After all, we have plans to travel in the upcoming months and a pacifier is a welcome addition to any car trip requiring us to leave the 5 mile radius of our home. 

However, as he watched the Sesame Street Sing Along tonight, we heard a gagging noise and quickly noticed he had inserted the entire paci into his mouth.  B looked at me, I looked at him, and we knew.  Little discussion ensued before I snipped the ends off of two pacis and showed them to Becks claiming a mouse must have chewed on them (an old trick I learned from my parents).  At the time, he thought it was funny and attempted to put it back into his mouth.  It fell out {B and I snickered} and then I said they had to be thrown away. (This may or may not have come after he tried to put the whole thing into his mouth.  Again.)

He's sleeping now.  And did, in fact, cry for his Jee Bah for a half hour and told me, upon entering his room to check on him, that he "Just needs one Jee Bah.  From downstairs."  Bless his heart. 

And now, for a picture montage chronicling the life of the pacifier from around 4 months to present day. 

So goodbye and thank you, Jee Bah. It's been a good run.

{And now I will go cry that another part of my baby is gone.}


  1. Too funny!Love all the cute pics. We call Ty's Jee Bah a binky and he loves it sooo much. Soon I will be in your same boat. SAD!!!

  2. Good luck!! I know it'll be hard on everyone, but you'll make it! :)

  3. You are doing well. When I made L give up his binky (his "bee"), he cried at night for three straight nights. I also cried at night for three straight nights. I'm not looking forward to that day with G.

  4. Awww love all the pictures :)

    Good luck with Jee Bah!

    Hope you have a great week!

  5. Oh My... little Beckham..remind me so much of Brody. Brody has taken MAM and only MAM paci's from the very beginning and he is still VERY much attatched. We have to have one every where we go too.

    Way to go for going ahead and taking it, I don't know when I will but when I do I know it will be BAD!

    Praying he does okay without it tonight and that it gets easy! Let me know!

  6. Awww I can't believe how little Becks is in that first picture! Good luck!

  7. precious. my sister had her own "paci" attachment. she'd have 2 in her mouth and one in each hand. my parents helped her decide to 'take them to the babies at the hospital' b/c paci's were for babies. so they bagged them all up and took them to the hospital and watched a nurse carry them behind the glass. then when she wanted one, she knew that they were all gone. ha.

    good luck over the next few weeks!

  8. Awww....poor guy! I hope he moves on to bigger & better things!

  9. Good luck! He's so cute, and really look the same now as he did as a little babe! Love the photos, but the pink ones and the one with two pacifiers are so funny.

  10. I cannot imagine how tough the "bubba" transition will be at our house. RIP, sweet Jee Bah. I love the photo montage. Such changes...

  11. goodbye, Jee Bah! it wasn't that long ago that kate finally stopped using hers, too. it's like a happy and sad day all in one. proud of your little man, though! and you! ;-)

  12. One of my friends just stopped the paci's with her little girl and she did it in a very creative way. They went to build-a-bear and the little girl got to take her pacis. They picked out a bear and put the pacis inside. Now the little girl sleeps with the bear instead. Thought it was too cute not to share. :)

  13. What a cute cute post!! I loved all the pictures of your little guy with his paci so much that I had to show my husband. I have no immediate plans to take Austin's paci away (he only uses it to sleep) but might have to make a similar tribute post when that day does come! Apparently we have similar tastes, too, as our boys are wearing identical pjs and have the same pacis in a lot of these pictures!


Babble back y'all