Thursday, November 4, 2010

Read between the lines...

Well, the house stayed clean for a grand total of 36 hours after I returned to school post-4-day-weekend.  And now I've lost any and all motivation to pick up another dump truck or block and return them to the baskets beneath the television.  Or load the dishwasher.  Or throw the pizza box away. Because that would take time and effort, neither which I have after a rather exhausting return to school. It's amazing that what's supposed to feel like a short, 3-day week suddenly feels like an eternity. 

I teach in a public school, so I'm limiTed as to what I can say about/rElating to School in my very public blog, but jusT know that it's wearING me out this year.  And it's not the fulltime thing.  And it's not the kids.  And it's not my coworkers. 

I just don't think there's such a thing as a standardized kid, ya know?



  1. As a public school teacher I completely understand your pain...TGIF my friend :)

  2. I so understand. When will *ed*ucators get to make some of these decisions? Doing some amazing PD with the Wolverine University on differentiation in math pedagogy. Makes me feel a bit better about this...dilemma.

  3. I know how you feel girl! I'm SO glad tomorrow is Friday too!

  4. amen sister! I feel ya, wholeheartedly. This year has been the most taxing on me of any and it all starts at the top. Hang in there! Thanksgiving and a glorious 4 day break will be here before we know it! :)

  5. I know what you are talking about!! Next week begins my dread...

  6. I'm not teaching at the moment but I have definitely been there. It's so frustrating and heartbreaking. I really think it's the reason we lose so many awesome teachers. Hang in there!

  7. As a parent of 2 special needs kids, I just have to say a huge AMEN sista! I just wish that some of the powers that be would also realize that not all kids can be cut out of the standardized mold they push so hard for. I say, "ABBY FOR PRESIDENT!" So hope that my boys get a teacher like you :-)

  8. ha! AMEN.
    I get it. If I did not have this student teacher I might be on the crazy boat with you.
    Hope today was a good one.

  9. AMEN! I HATE should come to Texas and you would hate them even more!

  10. I totally get your tiredness and frustration. I was a teacher for 9 years until I had my 3rd child. I don't miss teaching at all. Too much is expected from teachers. Hopefully you will get some rest this weekend!!!

  11. Abs-I think there's a rule that your house can ONLY stay clean for 36 hours after you get it all organized again. Or else us Mama's might actually stay SANE. And then life would just be "boring" don't you think?

  12. i agree, agree, and agree again.
    that's the worst part about public educ! hang in there girl!


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