Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

Today, I am 28-years-old {though, I'm fairly certain I will feel perpetually 23ish}. That number that begins with a "3" is approaching really quickly!

It has a been a blessed, fulfilled, crazy-busy, trying, wonderful and amazing year.

My 27th Year Top Ten Highlights...

1. My obsession and addiction to all things thrift. Though I haven't had the time lately to frequent Goodwill or St. Vinny's, they're both on my to-do list for post-holiday shopping!  I have had the best time over the past year piecing together outfits and finding housewares that cost next to nothing. 

One of my favorite finds - brand new boots for $10!

2. Redoing the hardwood floors and redecorating the living room.  We spent two weeks in February living with B's very hospitable parents, all while it was snowing feet outside.  I never thought the process would be complete, but when it was all said and done I was incredibly grateful for the time that B and his dad and brother spent over here.  Our floors look gorgeous.

3.  Starting Grad school for my Master's in Administration. 

4.  B quitting his job in August to persue the completion of his undergrad degree.  {This was probably the biggest change combined with me working fulltime!}

5.  Working full-time for the first time in my life as a First Grade Teacher.

6.  Wedding after wedding after wedding!

7.  Leaving B and Becks for NOLA with my best girls for three days - the longest amount of time and farthest distance I'd ever been from my boys. 

8.  The mouse that I touched in April and has significantly affected my life ever since. And I do not say that kiddingly. I do not enter the basement a) in the dark b) without shoes c) for longer than 35 seconds.  I am still convinced there is a mouse compound down there and they're going to attack me some day.

9.  Making memories with Becks. 
Becks' first day of preschool!  He's so big!

10.  Gatlinburg and Michigan vacations.

I can only imagine what my 28th year will hold??????

And a merry Christmas Eve Eve to you all!!!!


  1. happy birthday!!!!

    im teh exact same way with the mouse thing. will NOT go in my basement and that's where laundry is! haha so I make my boyfriend go put the laundry in and out ;)

    hehe xoxox have a great CHRISTMAS!!

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I hope this is your best year yet!! :)

  3. Happy Birthday Abby! What a great year. We have a friend that calls this Christmas Adam, because Adam came before's kind of stuck!

  4. Happy Birthday!! And, I feel the exact same way about mice!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day!!!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Loved your year recap.. too cute! Wishing you nothing but the best!

  7. Happy Birthday Abby ..mine was yesterday, so I know what you mean about having a Christmas birthday. I hope your day is wonderful and the your 28th year is filled with many blessings...aka...mine was not (more like 51)

    Merry Chritmas!

  8. Happy Birthday! I'll be turning 27 in May, so I can totally relate to creeping towards the number that begins with "3". Ah! Enjoy your special day and Christmas break! :)

  9. Happy Birthday Abz!!!!! Have a great day with the fam and a great date night:-) Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas! Paisley is soooo excited!!!! I'm sure Becks is too! This age is so much fun:-)

  10. Didn't realize I was logged in under doodlebug til I published my comment and it showed up!:-)

  11. Happy Birthday Abby! I love your blog and all your wonderful, creative ideas. I am nearing the end of my study for a master's degree in reading. Good luck on your administrative degree!

  12. Happy Birthday!! It looks like 27 was a fabulous year and I'm sure 28 has many surprises in store too! :)

  13. Abby- I some how stumbled upon your blog a few weeks back and have been reading it every since. Now I know why I relate to almost everything you say....We share the same birthday...only I turned the Big 3-0 today! It is tough having a Christmas Birthday, isn't it? Well have a wonderful day and a Very Merry Christmas! Kristen~

  14. Girl Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you have a wonderufl day, you deserve it!!!!

    Hope that you all have a Very Merry Christmas!!!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday!! You've had a fabulous year! Hope your next one is even better!

  16. Happy Birthday Bloggy Friend!!
    I hope you have a wonderful 28th year with no mice, lots of thrifty finds, a MA degree pay raise, and lots more merry memories!!
    Enjoy your day.

  17. Happy happy happy happy Birthday to you! Hope y'all have a good Christmas too;)

  18. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day! :)

  19. Sounds like you had a fabulous year! Happy Birthday to you!

  20. Happy Birthday! It looks like a great year! =)

  21. Happy Birthday Abby! I hope the upcoming year is filled with health and happiness for you and your family! :)

  22. You are darling!! Happy birthday!!!! Hope it's been WONDERFUL!!! :)

  23. Happy Birthday Abs! Hope you and the boys had a wonderful day, and a VERY MERRY Christmas! xoxo.

  24. Sorry I missed saying :Happy Birthday: to ya! Hope you had a great day!

  25. Happy belated birthday girl!

    Looks like you had a wonderful 27th year :)

  26. Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day was FABULOUS!!!


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