Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Click the picture above to visit Jamie's weekly blog carnival!


My magnetic chalk board (thanks, Al!) which currently showcases all of our Christmas photo cards.  Such a great reminder of all the family and friends we have, near and far. {All of the other cards have a special place in our house too, don't worry!}


These comfy cozy babies that made their way into my Ugg-ly collection over the weekend (a b-day present from B!).  Love, love, love them!


All the extra time I have to spend with this little elf.  He has been an absolutely delight over the past few days. 


My cakeball success!  I channelled my inner Bakerella yesterday and after completely destroying my kitchen with sprinkles and dipping chocolate, I had created the must delicious display of these little treats to gift to friends and family.


I'm loving that my husband finished off the left-over cakeballs last night so I didn't have to be tempted by their goodness today!


My impending birthday date with B tomorrow to see this movie...


The UPS man who brought me three new pairs of  long yoga pants yesterday from NY&Co who, btw, are having a 50% sale today!  The pants are now only twelve bucks.  Getcha some!


The fact that the weather man is predicting a white Christmas!  Let it snow!




Drinking a Diet Coke and eating waffle pretzels during naptime, while watching Mrs. Doubtfire on AMC.  Love that movie! {"I do a great impression of a hotdog!" He he he!}

Happy Wednesday, friends!  Only three more days until Christmas!

And don't forget to join in on the last day of the Headband Headwarmer Giveaway!!!!


  1. What a great list! I am also a teacher & have been LOVING the past few days with my girls. So relaxing & fun. I also was on a cakeball rampage yesterday. So yummy! Mrs. Doubtfire is one of my favorite movies....the restaraunt scene was filmed in my hometown (when I was in middle school) and my sisters and I met Robin Williams, Sally Field & Pierce Brosnon one evening after filming...we got our pictures taken with them & their autographs. It was so fun. I should blog about it...the pictures are hysterical! Hope you have a wonderful birthday date & a very Merry Christmas!

  2. I also love diet coke and waffle pretzels!

    I discovered your blog several months ago. I think it's fun! I'm a substitute teacher, so I especially enjoy the posts about your class :0)

  3. I want those sweater UGG boats so bad!! I love my regular UGGs but I want the sweater ones too!!

  4. I just had Diet Coke with pretzels and hummus...yummy!!!!!! Thinking I should take a trip to NY&CO.

  5. Isnt winter break wonderful? And you lucky girl- love love love your boots!!

  6. Happy Birthday to you.

    I'm going to see that movie with friends at Tuesday night. I can't wait.


  7. Can't wait to hear how you liked Little Fockers, it looks cute! I love your new shoes, but not as much as I love Robin Williams impersonation of a hot dog!

  8. Sounds like the perfect winter break time spent with family. Those cake balls look divine!! Great job :)

  9. I love waffle pretzels!! The butter flavored ones are heavenly

  10. First time reading your blog. very fun. Love the boots and I was just thinking how "I need to find out how to make cake balls".

  11. Ah! NY&Co long yoga pants are the best, best, best. Just don't, ahem, put them in the dryer because (take it from me), they shrink!!

  12. LOVE the boots! B did a good job on your present! I love NY and Co too and just ordered some comfy clothes from their half off sale. Happy Birthday, Abby. Im glad it's over your Christmas break so you can be relaxed and enjoy it with your family.

  13. Oh, I'm making cake balls tonight! And, those boots are very cute! Merry Christmas!

  14. Great things you are loving!!!! I love the boots :) I hope that you have a Merry Christmas!

  15. Thanks for playing along friend!

    LOVE your list :) The magnetic chalkboard is a great idea!

    Mrs. Doubtfire is such a great movie!


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