Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Wonderful Awful Idea

Beckham received a Christmas package the other day and cushioning the gifts was about 40,000 packing peanuts.  The teacher in me thought {stupidly} What a great tactile learning experience this will be! and I promptly encouraged him to dive into the box after we removed the presents and placed them under the tree. 

He loved it.  He sat in the box with the peanuts, turned the box over and dumped the peanuts on the floor,   squished the peanuts in his hands, stomped on the peanuts, sprinkled peanuts throughout the house,  scooped the peanuts, and tracked peanut crumbs everywhere - all while I enjoyed a) his amusement b) the fact that he was occupied for longer than a nanosecond while I fixed meatloaf and mashed potatoes. 

Then it was clean-up time.  It looked as though someone detonated a styrofoam bomb in my living room. AND OH MY WORD THE STATIC.  Every time I would try to scoop them up, they'd cling to every part of my body and ultimately wind up back on the floor.  Becks was no help in the matter because he couldn't manage to shake them off his hands.  I kid you not when I say it's taken almost a week to clean up the remains of the peanuts. 

And that, my friends - as the Grinch would say - was my wonderful awful idea.  Please learn from me.

{PS. Don't forget to join in the Headband Headwarmer Giveaway posted below!  And, also, go buy yourself a Wonderful Awful Idea Grinch shirt for seven bucks from Walmart as seen in the pic below! My fellow first grade teacher gave it to me as a gift. Love!}

Hmmmm, I betcha can't guess what I gave as Christmas gifts this year?!?!


  1. Haha!! I'm sure he had a great time, too bad the clean-up was so hard. :)

  2. Great story! BTW...love the gray paint color in the tv room...would you happen to remember the name of it??

  3. that picture of your living room is priceless! you're a great mom! :)

  4. My anal-retentive self is shuddering at the thought of cleaning those up! But hey, if the mess meant a happy boy plus dinner then it's totally worth it.

  5. Hahahaha! Thank you and I am sorry but you made me really laugh! What a disaster:)

  6. Fun in the moment but the aftermath...you should probably use a shop vac :) Enjoy your Christmas break! I'm enjoying my two weeks off from school and not thinking about it at all.

  7. Ha! Thanks Abs (and Becks!) for paving the way for the rest of us. I will definitely remember this the next time we receive a package full of peanuts, and will probably think twice before I let Henry go to town :) And PS...could you and your team be any cuter with those headbands?!!? Looks like you gave your lady from church some serious business when you placed your headband order!! Hope you, B, and Beckham have a WONDERFUL holiday my dear!

  8. What a great mom you are! It looks like he had a blast!

  9. My house is filled with wonderful awful ideas, daily.

    I call it 'survival' :)

    Merry Christmas, sweet friend!

  10. You are obviously a very fun mommy! :)

  11. That is TOTALLY something I would do. I drive my husband crazy.

  12. Well, it's certainly not a memory to be forgotten! I notice that his doggie continues to be a part of the magic...and was likely no help in the clean up, either.. ;- Happy Holidays!

  13. Bahahahahaha! This made my morning when I read it. What a cutie!


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