Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Post of 2010

This crazy-busy life of ours has been totally ordinary lately.  I love it.  I probably tell B that too often, how much I enjoy being at home all day, spending time with Becks and doing house stuff.  I'm giving him a complex about me working and him being at school.  Which is totally not my intention. I just love being at home, and honestly, I'm a whole lot nicer in general when I don't have to stress about school stuff. {You wouldn't believe it, I haven't even so much as thought about teaching next week.  I haven't planned or even visited my classroom since before break.  And you know what I say about that: yay for me!  I just wanted to enjoy my time with these boys of mine.  And I have.}

The weather is bunches warmer and the snow finally melted away yesterday.  Becks and I took the opportunity to get outside.  He decided he wanted to be a fleece polar bear pj pants wearin' kinda fire fighter.  And I let him. 

He found a twigish branch in someones yard and insisted on carrying it home.  While riding his bike.  He said it was a reindeer antler.  It dose kind of resemble the one that the Grinch used to tie on top of his dog, no?

We also water colored yesterday.  And Becks became rather disenchanted when he splashed some water on the kitchen floor.  It was kind of cute how upset he was!

In other ordinary life-isms...

Becks and B play the guitar before bed...

I've written and mailed thank-you notes!  This is a huge plus for me.  I'm not the best thanker.

And, apparently, The Wiggles drank a little too much egg nog and wrecked the Big Red Car under our living room chair.  I'm happy to report that Murray, Greg, Anthony, and Jeff are still, well, happy as they always are...

To end our year on an ordinary note, we're hanging out as a family and toasting with Capri Suns at midnight.   If we stay up that late.  Happy New Year!
This is the "Cheeeeeeese" smile :)


  1. Adorable matching polar bear PJ pants on your two boys! So happy you were able to spend lots of quality time with your fam. I haven't thought about teaching or school since before break, either! Go us!

  2. Thanks for the well wishes on getting better! I hope you all have a wonderful NYE and a great start to your 2011.

  3. Abby, you really make me laugh! I love your sense of humor!


  4. I stumbled on your blog through someone else's. I've enjoyed reading about your teaching and your little one! My son is turning 18 months and I am currently an education major so it's nice to be able to somewhat relate to someone. Have a great New Year!

  5. Glad to know we weren't the only ones staying in this year. We are asleep by 10:30. Sad, huh?

    Happy New Year blogging friend!

  6. I can only imagine the feeling of wanting to stay home when you have a little boy as cute as yours! I hope you and your family have a wonderful new year full of love and laughter!!

  7. I love the cheese smile! Happy New Year! And ordinary is good - glad you're enjoying it!

  8. Abby he is so handsome! Crazy how fast time flies! I know my little man isn't going to be little for much longer! Hope ya'll have a fabulous 2011! Love you!

  9. Yay for thank yous and ordinary days!

  10. YAY for you for not going to school on your break! That's what it is for! :)

  11. Love that profile shot of Becks :) Hope y'all have had a wonderful start to the new year!

  12. I've thought about teaching next week, but that's all I've done... thought about it. I have no lesson plans or anything ready. Since the county decided to make our workday a regular school day on Monday, it should be an interesting day. I must say it has been worth it though, because I have thoroughly enjoyed my break! Happy 2011!

  13. How are you so amazing with that camera already???? Impressive!

  14. Happy 2011!! Good luck getting back into the swing of things tomororow. Becks is growing up into such a big boy, I can't believe it!


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