Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to school, back to school... {a la Billy Madison}

Tonight my house is completely devoid of Christmas decor - with the exception of a rosy pink poinsettia to remind us that just two weeks ago we were anticipating a visit from the jolly old elf. 

Now, the only elf around here is this one. I guess he'll do.

It's the eve of my first day back to school.  I don't know whether I will walk into chaos or if the kiddos will be completely wiped out from two weeks off of holiday exhaustion {maybe that will just be me} and it'll take a couple of days for them to perk back up.  Personally, I could use another two weeks off just to recover from the holidays.

I went to my classroom yesterday.  For eight hours.  I'm not exaggerating.  I think my New Year's resolution is to work less and enjoy my family more.  Leaving work at work is really hard.  Because teaching is also a fun hobby for me, I do enjoy blogstalking all you amazing teachers out there which usually translates into either replicating your ideas or inspiring me to do something similar.  Regardless, I have better things to do at home and two cute boys to do them with.  Please remind me of this as the next few months unfold. 

I'n other news, I'm sorry I haven't posted a winner of my headband headwarmer giveaway yet.  I will.  Hopefully before the seasons change ;)  I kid.

And, while a completely random addition to this post, I want to encourage you to spend seven bucks and buy our new favorite dice game: FarkleGo ahead, say it out loud.   Farkle.  Farkle. Farkle. Isn't that a fun word?! 

It's completely mindless, so you can talk or hold children or make the person who farkles wear a silly hat until someone else farkles.  We love it and have played it a gobzillion times in the past two weeks. 
My Brother-in-Law, Mattie, being a good sport about wearing the Farkle Hat.

Sophie, The Princess Fairy


  1. Have a great first day back! Good luck!

  2. i need to leave work at work too. when at home, i'm spending time and energy worrying about work, talking about work, etc. it doesn't help that i work from home at times, when stuff isn't finished in the office. plus, i'm constantly worried about doing a good job and live in fear of getting fired. i'm hoping to leave those feelings behind in 2010, and do better about it in 2011.

  3. I'm dreading going back to school tomorrow. Only because I'm still not caught up on work after working on it for hours and hours today. Oh and our grading system is down so we can't put in our grades that our due tommorrow. I hope the kids are in a sugar coma from the holidays cuz I know I will be on edge lol. Let's hope for the best.

    I am a little worried about waking up. I may set a few alarms.
    I was at school today for waaayyy too many hours too. Once I get there I get lost in all that needs to be done. I am hoping that my kiddos are just as tired as I am going to be tomorrow.

  5. Have a great first day back! I go back tomorrow too but the kids don't come back until Wednesday :)

  6. It is so hard to find that teacher/personal life balance...good luck working on that in the new year. :) Happy back to work too!!

  7. Oh, Billy Madison. :)

    I think the fact that your job is also a "fun hobby" means that you chose the right career! Happy first day back!

  8. Hope your day back goes well! We just fell in love with Funglish! Great game but it does require thinking. I do love Farkle! Once I had kids, I had to decide not to work as much, it's hard though because I see it in my work. To be great, it takes so much time, but I want to be a great Mom, too. Good luck finding balance in the new year! :)

  9. Can I just comment and say that Sutton and I have some amazing blue eyes in that pic!!!!

  10. We go back to school tomorrow! Have a good day and don't stress yourself out!

  11. I hope you are having a good day back! Its probably harder going back after a few weeks then to continue to work through the holidays (Blah!). Isn't your camera wonderful! We can perfect our picture togehter. :)

  12. i love farkle! or i should say i loved it. its been like a year since i played so i kinda forget. i need to start playing again!

    hope you had a good first day back!

  13. Hope you had a good day back. My kids were soooo out of it! Im already itchin for Spring Break!

  14. I hope your first day back went well, I did a ton of school work from home and went in for a full day over break to lessen the blow this week and am so glad I did.

    I really want to try that game, it looks like so much fun! We're on a major game kick around here!

  15. Hello Miss Abby! I hope you had a wonderful - and mellow - first day back at school. I'm sure all your kiddos were happy to see you again!

  16. My kids were really good today. I hope yours were too.

  17. Hope your first day back went well! Our decorations are put away too and it's back to normal life! And thanks for the heads up on Farkle- I'll have to look into it. My husband loves games!


Babble back y'all