My word, this sunny weekend was just what I needed. Mostly so I can return to my usual chipper-self, but also so I can quit smelling like fake tan foam. {Don't believe it when the can says "odor free." I've been smelling myself for a week now, and I smell like I'm freshly spray tanned every day. Sorry if you had to sit next to me in church today.}
Anyway, warm weather means that my favorite season has returned: yard sale season! And, boy did I score some good loot yesterday. First off is this fantastic, blue dresser that I'm going to repaint and put in Becks' big boy room sometime this summer.
How much? Ten buckaroos!!!! Loves it. |
I should wholly admit to you that I am an optimistic upcycler, as evidenced by the mound of "things to be painted" in the basement that's accumulated everything from furniture pieces, to baskets, to frames. And as if my current pile wasn't enough, I found this *12 kinds of amazing* mirror at the same yardsale and could not say no. Especially when the former owner let me talk her down from $15 to $12. Gotta love the ability to bargain. I plan to paint it white. Eventually.
And this little darling was found at the same spot for a buck. Apothocary jars just speak to me, so I couldn't pass 'im up. {Seated next to the apothocary jar is the squat, little lantern that Becks picked out for Mother's Day for me - for your new kitchen, he explained :) So totally precious.}
Then there was my
tuck-n-run (a deal so good you better escape before the owner realizes it and changes the price), as Raechel would call it over at
Finding My Feet. It was a Cooshee Seat for $5! These babies are around $40 retail, and my MIL just bought one earlier in the week for Becks to use at her house (he has one at our house already). I was so pumped!
I decided to keep all the guess work out of what I might want for Mother's Day this year, and told B that I wanted to go out on a date. We ate at Mitchell's and then went to see Water for Elephants, which was soooo good. I mean, two words: Robert. Pattinson. But the storyline was great, too! {FYI: I have not read the book.}
Today, we spent time with both of our mothers, and spent lots and lots of time outside.
'Scuse the squinky eyes. That's the sun's-in-my-face face. |
Omiword, I love these two! |
The sunny weather and warm temperatures even encouraged me to lace up my neglected running shoes and go for a jog. Besides the fact that my legs feel a little jello-y, it was a great run. Even more so because I listened to this amazing band...
Per my sissy's recommendation, I downloaded their album Sigh No More and totally love it. To say that they are a mix of celtic-bluegrass-Dave-Matthews-Band is totally spot on! |
And now, I'm going to tend to my unkempt house. Because who has time to clean during a weekend like this?
Happy Sunday!