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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Photography with a Three-Year-Old

Holy guacamole!  I am a mah-jor blog slacker.  I can’t help it.  We’re so busy we can’t see straight around these parts.  Also, the reign of the three-year-old dictator at our house is giving me little time or energy to devote to much elseSERIOUSLY.  Everyone said how bad the “terrible twos” would be, but no one warned us about “the thrice-as-bad threes.”  Okay, well, I made that phrase up, but the threes have not been kind to our family. 

We had some family pictures made last weekend and – I kid you not – we would tell Becks to go left and he would go right.  We’d say sit down and he’d stand up.  We’d say sit down and he’d run away.  This went on for about an hour before I could not handle another second. 

Fortunately, there were a couple of keepers out of the bunch…

The Mullins 229

The hat was a bribe.  As in, “Becks, if you cooperate, you can wear your Michigan hat!!!”  It was only somewhat effective. 

The Mullins 221 copy

Such a stinker.

The Mullins 061 copy

Lots more to talk about, but Becks is attempting to sit on me right now, which is code word for GET OFF THE COMPUTER, MOM, so I better get going.  Hope y’all are doing well!


Savannah said...

Love your family photos! What a trip he is - full of personality! Enjoy your weekend.

Gina said...

Those turned out great! I have missed reading your posts.

The Presutti's said...

Your pictures turned out amazing. He is so cute!

Conchy said...

Beautiful pictures! And yes, 3 is much harder than 2 but easier than 4. Best thing to do is to enjoy every second. When he is 16 like mine, you'll wish he was 3! He is gorgeous!

Jamie said...

Awww these are so sweet!

Kids, Canines, and Chaos said...

Pictures are beautiful! Just think.. in a few years you'll have a bunch of laughs at how difficult those pictures were.

On a completely different note, I have a firsty who looks JUST LIKE a bigger version of Becks. He's a cutie, just like your little guy.

Have a great week!

Lauren said...

I love that last one!!! I want to see them all!

Mommy Webb said...

The one of y'all in the background is MY FAVE! I know what you mean about three. Wearing me out too:).

Tanya Solano said...

He's soooooo stinkin' cute!!! And, I have to agree with Conchy, enjoy every minute. My sweet husband reminded me this weekend that in two years our baby boy will be heading out for college. Made my heart break in a gozillion pieces! I'd give anything to have my crazy three year old back.

Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

Unknown said...

Such a gorgeous family photo. Thanks for sharing :)

The Chapmans said...

KNOW.THE.FEELING.(about three year olds) Lol. Now Aidan, who is almost 4, is starting to say "don't tell me what to do!" He is sweet most of the time but still a handful with a GIANT personality already. =)

Justaprimarygirl said...

Seriously, the third one
I love reading your posts! I am glad you are back online!

Kendra said...

Super cute pictures!

I had a sweet friend tell me (during some rough patches during the twos) that it might be the "Terrible Twos", but it's the "I Wish I Never Had You Threes". :o) That always made me smile...for 365 days that were the threes. We're into the fours now. And it's kinda nice. :o)

Erin Klein said...

I love these photos! You have a beautiful family.

I understand how it is with a little one. I'm a blogger, too - and have a 3 year old boy and a 7 year old girl.

I admire you - 2 blogs, impressive!

I really enjoy your sites!!


Erin Klein

Anonymous said...

Your picture are really wonderful. I have a three year old boy too.